Poverty In India Essay | Poverty In India Essay for Students and Children

Poverty In India Essay: Poverty In India Essay aims to educate students about the plight of the poor and underprivileged. In India, the wealth is distributed in a disproportionate manner. Explore how this factor and others affect the poverty rates in India through this essay. Furthermore, discover the various means to eliminate poverty from the society.

To write an engaging essay on poverty in India or any other topic, students have to follow certain rules and guidelines. These will also help students to fetch more marks in their exams. So, please consider adopting the following tips and tricks to an engaging essay.

Poverty In India Essay Writing Tips

  • Always write an introductory paragraph highlighting the background or history of the topic.
  • Include names, dates, and figures wherever possible.
  • Avoid the use of jargon.
  • Present content in easy-to-read, digestible chunks.
  • Present information in points where necessary.
  • End the essay with a concluding paragraph.
  • Check for grammatical or factual errors before submission.

Poverty In India

Poverty In India Essay – Sample 1 (250+ Words)

Poverty is a situation where an individual lacks the means to purchase basic necessities of life. These can include food, water, clothes, and shelter. Moreover, these individuals may not be able to afford even a single square meal a day. They make do with whatever they can find on the street – such as salvaging old food from the trash, sleeping on park benches or roadsides and wear raggedy old clothes.

Poverty and Its Causes

Poverty is primarily caused by the unequal distribution of wealth in a country. Furthermore, unemployment and an increase in the urban population can drastically increase the rate of the country’s population. To aggravate the condition, the jobs that these individuals work pay woefully low wages. This is because these individuals do not possess the required qualifications or are not employable.

A 2012 survey revealed that an estimated 276 million individuals are under the poverty line in India. The same survey also revealed that more people hovering just above the poverty line. Corruption is one of the biggest factors contributing to poverty followed by illiteracy.

Reducing Poverty – How To Reduce it

One of the most effective ways of reducing poverty, at least for future generations is by providing access to education. This ensures that the individuals are skilled and qualified enough to secure a well-paying job. Furthermore, family planning must also be taken into consideration due to the fact that the rising population contributes to poverty.

In conclusion, poverty is not a problem can be solved overnight, however, implementing these solutions over the course of a decade or two will help to alleviate the problem.

Poverty In India Essay – Sample 2 (350+ Words)

Poverty has been a societal problem since times immemorial. It is a situation where an individual is unable to purchase basic necessities such as food, clothes, and shelter. Moreover, these individuals sustain themselves on a single meal a day since they can’t afford more. They may engage in begging since they cannot earn money any other way. Sometimes, these individuals may scavenge rotten food from a dumpster near a hotel or a restaurant just to satisfy their hunger. They may sleep on the pavement or park benches on clear nights. On rainy days, they may sleep under bridges or any other indoor shelters.

How is Poverty Caused?

There are a lot of socio-economic variables that influence poverty. First and foremost is the unequal distribution of wealth. This is compounded by corruption and the ever-increasing population of the country. The next influential factor that causes poverty is illiteracy and unemployment. These two factors go hand-in-hand because, without proper education, unemployment is sure to follow. Most of the people under the poverty line have no marketable or employable skills required by the industries. In case these individuals do find a job, most of these pay extremely low wages, which is insufficient to support oneself or lead a family.

Effects of Poverty

When individuals are unable to afford basic necessities for life, other undesired consequences follow. For instance, health care becomes impossible to afford. This means the individual is at an increased risk of diseases and infections. Sometimes, these individuals also resort to unfair means to obtain money – such as robbery, murder, assault, and rape.

Solutions to End Poverty

Poverty is not a problem that can be resolved over a week or a year. It requires careful planning from the government to implement relevant policies that cater to the population falling below the poverty line. Another important factor affecting poverty is illiteracy and unemployment.

This issue can be tackled with one stone – i.e, to provide education and financial support. Access to education, especially providing means to pursue higher education increases the employability of individuals. This directly helps to alleviate poverty as the individual can start earning. Therefore, one of the most effective tools to combat poverty is education.

In conclusion, poverty in India may remain for another decade or so. However, there are strategies that help to gradually alleviate the problem.

Solutions to End Poverty

FAQ’s on Poverty In India

Question 1.
What is poverty?

Poverty is a situation where an individual lacks the means to purchase basic necessities of life such as food, water, clothes and shelter.

Question 2.
What are some of the adverse effects of poverty?

Poverty leads to a miserable quality of life. It can also give rise to anti-social activities such as robbery, murder, assault, and rape.

Question 3.
How to combat poverty?

If we are able to provide access to free education and reduce unemployment, the rate of poverty will be reduced. Moreover, providing free access to basic necessities such as health care and shelter will also help to alleviate poverty.

Question 4.
What is the Poverty Line?

The Below Poverty Line (BPL)  is a benchmark that indicates an economic disadvantage. Moreover, it is used for individuals that are in need of aid and assistance from the government.

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