Plus Two Computer Application Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Web Technology

Kerala Plus Two Computer Application Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Web Technology

Plus Two Computer Application Web Technology One Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Specify an attribute of HTML tag.
DIR: Indicates documents direction. It can take values rtl or Itr.
Eg. <HTML DIR= “rtl”> This specify that document is to read from right to left.

Question 2.
Mention the default value of size attribute of <BASEFONT>tag.

Question 3.
Name the tag which has ‘Noshade’ attribute.
<HR> Tag

Question 4.
Maximum possible value of the size attribute of the <BASEFONT>tag?

Question 5.
Salim developed a personal website. In which he has to create an e-mail link. Can you suggest the protocol used to achieve this task?
Eg. <A href= “Mailto:[email protected]” >Mail to me</A>.

Question 6.
You want to connect your webpage to the web portal Mention the tag that can be used for this.
<A> Anchor Tag
Eg. <A href=””>Yahoo</A>

Question 7.
Specify the main attribute of <IMG> tag used to include an image file in web page.
SRC. It specify the name of the image file to be included in the page.
Eg. <IMG SRC=“C:/home,Jpg”>

Question 8.
Select the attribute associated with <IMG> tag from the following: (Name, size, Align, value)

Question 9.
Write HTML code forgiving hyper link in webpage.
<A HREF= “page2.htm”>Page2</A>

Question 10.
The default colour of Vlink is______.
(a) Blue
(b) Green
(c) Red
(d) Yellow
(c) Red

Question 11.
The default colour of A link is______.
(a) Blue
(b) Green
(c) Red
(d) Yellow
(b) Green

Question 12.
Saritha is assigned with a task of writing explana¬tory notes in an HTML code. Which tag she can utilize.
Explanatory notes can be given using <comment> tag. Using two mark up elements. as<!—and →

Question 13.
Pick the odd man out.
(a) BODY
(b) HTML
(d) ALIGN, all others are tag.

Question 14.
Your school has a web site, You want to create a link to this site from your website. Write the code for implementing this.
<A href=”www.”>My School</A>

Question 15.
HTML was developed by_______.
Tim Berners-Lee.

Question 16.
What are the two major sections of an HTML document?
Head section and Body section.

Question 17.
An HTML file is saved with______extension.
(a) .vbp
(b) .mdb
(c) .htm
(d) .fnm
(c) .htm or .html

Question 18.
The software used to view web page is______.
(a) Notepad
(b) Web Browser
(c) Web server
(d) Web Editor
(b) Web Browser

Question 19.
The default alignment of image in HTML is______.
(a) Left
(b) Right
(c) Center
(d) Inline with content
(a) Left

Question 20.
______is an alternative for centralizing a paragraph other than using <P> tag
(a) <ALIGN>
(b) <C>
(c) <CENTER>
(d) <CENTER>

Question 21.
_______attribute of <A> tag specifies the URL of the hyper linked document.
(a) Name
(b) Target
(c) HREF
(d) SRC
(c) HREF

Question 22.
What does HTML stands for?
HyperText Markup Language.

Question 23.
Communication on web can be classified into_____and______.
Client to Server and Server to Server

Question 24.
The protocol which is responsible for splitting the data into smaller packets is______.

Question 25.
The protocol which is responsible for the routing of data packets through the correct destination is____.
IP (Internet Protocol)

Question 26.
TCP / IP stands for_____.
Transmission Control Protocol/lntemet Protocal.

Question 27.
Identify the protocol responsible fore-mail commu-nication.
(a) DNS
(b) HTTP
(c) TCP/IP
(d) SMTP
(d) SMTP

Question 28.
In server to server communication, authentication is done with help of______.
(a) HTTP
(b) Digital certificate
(c) Client
(d) DNS
(b) Digital certificate

Question 29.
Which server acts between merchant server and bank server for transferring data in encrypted format?
Payment Gateway.

Question 30.
Identify the name of a place where servers and networking systems are placed with high security,
(a) Head office
(b) DNS
(c) Data centre
(d) IIS
(c) Data centre

Question 31.
Identify the port number which request for the service of sending e-mail communication.
(a) 22
(b) 25
(c) 53
(d) 80
(b) 25

Question 32.
The IP address corresponding to a domain name is present in____server.

Question 33.
Programs embedded in HTML documents are termed as____.

Question 34.
Running of ______scripts can be blocked by the user.
(a) Client side
(b) Server side
(c) Both client side and server side
(d) None of these
(a) Client side

Question 35.
A platform-independent server-side scripting language is_____.

Question 36.
Which among the following tools is used for easy formatting and defining style of a document written in HTML?
(a) Ajax
(b) CSS
(c) JSP
(d) JavaScript
(b) CSS

Question 37.
Pick the Odd one from the following list and give reason. (IMG, FONT, BR, ALIGN, PRE)
ALIGN which is an attribute, all others are tags.

Question 38.
Choose the correct HTML statement to display an image with file name “kerala.jpg” as the background of the web page.
(a) <IMG src=”kerala.jpg”>
(b) <BODY src=”kerala.jpg”>
(c) <BODY bgcolor=”kerala.jpg”>
(d) <BODY background=”kerala.jpg”>
(d) <BODYbackground=”kerala.jpg”>

Question 39.
Two ofthe following HTMLtags have same attribute Align’. Identify them. (<IMG>, <MARQUEE>, <B>, <P>, <BODY>)

Question 40.
Identify the correct HTML statement to draw a hori-zontal line with half the width of the screen.
(a) <HR width=“50%” size= “3″>
(b) <HR length=“50%” size= “3″>
(c) <HR size= “50%” width= “3″>
(d) <HR width= “50%” length= “3″>
(a) <HR width=“50%” size= “3″>

Question 41.
A student wants to display a poem in a web page just like as he entered in the text editor. Which tag in HTML will help him?

Question 42.
A student created a webpage about his school. The school name is displayed in the page. He wanted to change the style, colour, and size of the school name. Identify the most appropriate tag in HTML needed for that.
<FONT> tag

Plus Two Computer Application Web Technology Two Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1.
A student developed a web page about India. He wanted to display a scrolling text moving from right side to left side with a background colour blue. The text is “I Love My Country”.

  1. Identify the tag needed for it.
  2. Write the HTML statement to do the task.


  1. <MARQUEE>
  2. <MARQUEE direction-’left” bgcolor=”blue” > I Love My country </MARQUEE>

Question 2.
Write HTML statement for displaying the following text items:

  1. A2B3
  2. A>B


  1. A<SUB> 2 </SUB> B <SUP>3</SUP>
  2. A&gt;

Question 3.
Two HTML tags are given. They are <BODY> and <FONT>. Identify and write the attribute of each from the following list. (Size, Text, Link, Bgcolor, Color).
The attributes of <BODY> tag are Text, Link and Bgcolor The attributes of <FONT> tag are size and color.

Question 4.
Write the use of Border and Aft attribute of <IMG> tag.
Border: This attribute is used forgiving border to an image.

Alt: This attribute issued forgiving an alternate text. When there is no image in the specified location or the browser doesn’t support the image them this text will be displayed.

Question 5.
When a client send request to a server, the server must know which service is demanded by the client.

  1. How does the server identify the type of service requested?
  2. Write the name of any one of the services in the web server.


  1. Port number
  2. Any service like FTP, SMTP, HTTP, etc.

Question 6.
Following are steps for searching the IP address of a domain name by a browser. Rearrange them in proper order.
(a) Look in the local memory of ISP
(b) Look in the DNS servers starting from the root server
(c) Look in the local memory of brower
(d) Look in the local memory of Operating System
Correct order is c, d, a, b.

Question 7.
Categorise the following tags into Containertags and empty tags.
<B>, <BR>,<A> ,<FRAME>, <FRAMESET>,<LI>, <HR>
1. Container tags:

2. Empty tags:
<BR>,<HR>,<LI>, <FRAME>.

Question 8.
Write the HTML statement to get the following output.

  1. Commerce
  2. Humanities


  1. <B>Commerce</B>
  2. <l>Humanities</l>

Question 9.
Write the HTML statement to get the following output.

  1. H2S04
  2. a2 + b2
  3. Computer


  1. H<sub>2</sub>SO<sub>4</sub>
  2. a<sup>2</sup> + b <sup>2</sup>
  3. <b>Computer</b>

Question 10.
Write HTML code to display as follows. The <IMG> tag is used for placing images.
The & lt IMG &gt tag is used for placing images.

Question 11.
Name some browsers.

  1. Internet Explorer
  2. Netscape Navigator
  3. Opera
  4. Eudora

Question 12.
What is a website?
A website is a collection of webpages. A webpage is created by using HTML tags.

Question 13.
What is the role of attributes in an HTML tag?
Attributes are parameters for providing additional information within a tag. Attribute values specify certain characteristics of the tag.
Eg: <P align=”right”>

Question 14.
What is an HTML?
HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. It is used to create webpages. It has two types of tags empty and container. The important thing we have to remember in container tag is first opened tag must be closed last.

Question 15.
Name the main attributes of <HR> tag.

  1. Size: It specifies the line thickness.
  2. Width: It specifies the length
  3. Noshade: It specifies no shade is given for the line.
  4. Color: It specifies the color.

Question 16.
Mary wants to display her name in various headings. Name the heading tags available in HTML.
Heading can be given in six levels from <H1> to <H6>.The tag <H1 > produces big heading. The tag <H6> produces small heading. The heading size reduce from <H1> to <H6> sequentially.

Question 17.
Differentiate between <FONT>and<BASEFONT>tags.
<BASEFONT>tag sets the normal font for the entire document text. The font specified will be taken as the default font for the entire document. The main attributes are size, face, and color.

The <FONT> tag defines the font characteristics of the text enclosed. <Font> tag change the font property of the text enclosed within <Font> and</Font> whereas <BaseForrt> tag specifies the default font characteristics.

Question 18.
Explain the different types of hyperlinks.
The two types of Hyper Links are

  1. External Hyper Link: This is used two connect the locations of two different web pages
  2. Internal Hyper Link: This is used to connect the different locations of the same web page.

Question 19.
Write the HTML code to display the following list:

  1. Form
  2. TextBox
  3. Label
  4. Command Button

Plus Two Computer Application Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Web Technology 2M Q19

Question 20.
The body section forms the content displayed in the browser window. Briefly explain any four attributes in the BODY tag.

  1. Bgcolor – It is used to set background colour.
  2. Background – It is used to set a background picture.
  3. Text – it is used to set the foreground colour.
  4. Left margin – It is used to set the left margin.

Question 21.
HTML has the facility to provide External links as well as Internal links.

  1. Which tag is used to include an External link?
  2. How will you construct an Internal link?

1. Anchor Tag i.e. <a href=”filename”>

2. Internal link is used to link two places of the same web page
Plus Two Computer Application Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Web Technology 2M Q21

Plus Two Computer Application Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Web Technology 2M Q21.1

Question 22.
Categorise the following tags in HTML and write the criterian for the categorisation.
<BR>, <P>, <BODY>, <B>, <HR>, <IMG>

Empty_tagContainer tag

Question 23.
Differentiate empty tags and container tag with example.
1. Empty tags: It has opening tag only, no closing tag
Eg: <hr>, <br> etc.

2. Container tag: It as both opening and closing tag.
Eg: <html> </html>

Question 24.
Write True or False

  1. Text is an attribute of <BODY> tag to insert a text matter in the web page.
  2. <EM>tagfunctionssimilarto<l>tag.


  1. False
  2. True.

Plus Two Computer Application Web Technology Three Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Write and explain any four text formatting tags in HTML.
Text formatting tags are given below.

  1. <B> – This tag is based to make the text Bold Eg: <B> Computer application </B>
  2. <l>: This tag is used to make the text in italics eg: <l> computer aplication</l>
  3. <U>:This tag is used to underline the text eg: <U> computer aplication</U>
  4. <S>: This tag is used for striking out the text eg: <S> computer aplication</S>

Question 2.
Match the following.
Plus Two Computer Application Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Web Technology 3M Q2
Correct match as given below
<H2> -Heading-Align
<MARQUEE> – Scrolling text – Bgcolor
<IMG> – Inserting picture – Src.

Question 3.
Briefly explain the use of tags <Q>, <PRE> and <ADDRESS> tags.

  • <Q>: It is used to give text within double-quotes.
  • <PRE>: This tag is used to display the content as we entered in the text editor.
  • <ADDRESS>: This tag is used to provide information of the author or owner.

Question 4.
Write a HTML code to develop a web page about Kerala state as shown below:

God’s Own Country
Capital: Thiruvananthapuram

The specifications for the page are:

  1. The main heading must be of bigger in size, centralised and bold.
  2. Sub headings must be lesser size than main heading and in italics.
  3. There should be a picture at the center of the page with file name“tree.jpg”.
  4. The background colour of the page must me blue.

Plus Two Computer Application Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Web Technology 3M Q4

Question 5.
PHP is a popular scripting language.

  1. Write whether it is client side or server side.
  2. Write a brief note on PHP.


  1. Server side
  2. PHP (PHP Hypertext Preprocessor)
    • It is an open-source, general-purpose scripting language.
    • It is a server side scripting language
    • Introduced by Rasmus Lendorf
    • A PHP file with extension .php
    • It support data base programming the default DBMS is MySQL
    • It is platform-independent
    • PHP interpreter in Linux is LAMP(Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP)

Question 6.
How client side scripting differs from server side scripting?
Following are the differences

Client Side ScriptingServer Side Scripting
Script is copied to client browserto the web server
Executed by the clientExecuted by the server and result is get back to the browser window
Used for Client level validationConnect to the database in the server
It is possible to block by the userCannot possible
Client side scripts depends the type and version of the browserIt does not depend the type and version of the browser

Question 7.
Briefly explain the two types of communication on the web.
The two types of communication on the web are given below.
1. Client to Web server communication:
This communication is carried out between client to the web server (shopping site). The technology used to protect data that are transferred from client to web server is https.

2. Web sever to web server communication:
This communication is usually carried out between web .sever (seller) to another web server (normally bank). For the safe transaction. Digital certificate issued by third party web sites are used.

Question 8.
Compare static and dynamic web pages.

Static web pagesDynamic web pages
Content and layout is fixedContent and layout is changed frequently
Never use databaseData base is used
Run by browserIt runs on the server and result get back to the client(browser)
Easy to developNot at all easy

Question 9.
Differentiate Empty tag and Containertag.
There are two types of tags, opening tag, and closing tag

  • Empty tag: It has only opening tag and no closing tag
    Eg: <br>, <hr>,..
  • Container tag: It has both opening and closing tags. These tag contains some text data Eg:<html>,<head>,<body>,….

Question 10.
Create a webpage using HTML to display the following message. ‘The symbol H2O represents water’.
Plus Two Computer Application Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Web Technology 3M Q10

Question 11.
While designing a webpage Neena wants to explain the meaning of each step. Can you help her?
Neena can use Comments while writing the code. It is a good programming practice. Comments improve readability. It is not the part of a program. Comments
<!—and — >
Plus Two Computer Application Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Web Technology 3M Q11

Question 12.
Complete the following table.

RGB codeColour Name


RGB codeColour Name

Question 13.
Give HTML tag to display the sentence “WELCOME TO HTML” as centralized heading, having red colour.
Plus Two Computer Application Chapter Wise Questions and Answers Chapter 4 Web Technology 3M Q13

Question 14.
Explain the Main attributes of font tag.
<FONT>tag defines the font properties of text enclosed
The main attributes are

  1. Face-This specifies the type of font.
  2. Color-This specifies the colour of the text enclosed
  3. Size- This specifies the font size

Eg. <FONT Face= “Arial” size = “3” color= “magenta”>

Question 15.
John visited a website, it is found that when clicking on a particular text the browser open a new web page. Name the feature and Identify the tag used for this purpose. Write the HTML code to link to a file name “main.html”.

  1. Hyper Linking. By clicking on hypertext we can see or go to other webpages or to other section of same document.
  2. <A> tag is used
  3. <Ahref=”main.html”>Main</A>

Question 16.
Antony visited his school website, he could not see the picture of his school instead of that there is a text message “Your browser could not support images”. Why it is happened and write the html code for this.
Because the browser he used cannot load the image. He can use Alt attribute of IMG Tag.
<IMG SRC =” D:\school.jpg” Alt=“Your browser could not support images”>

Question 17.
Suppose you want to display a picture named school.jpg located in the ‘Photos’ sub directory of the directory ‘My documents’ of C drive in your web page.

  1. Name the tag used for this purpose.
  2. Write HTML code for the web page.

1. <IMG>tag. It is used to display images in webpage

<IMG SRC= ‘C;/My documents/Photos/School.jpg’>

Plus Two Computer Application Web Technology Five Mark Questions and Answers

Question 1.
Explain the main list tags in HTML?
HTML provides three basic types of lists-unordered, ordered and definition list.
1. Unordered list:
Unordered list arranges the list items with bullet symbols in front. <UL> and </UL> tag encloses an Unondered list. List items are specified by <LI> tag. The tag <UL> can take values square, circle or disc. The default type is disc.
Eg : <UL>

2. Ordered list:
In Ordered list, the list items are numbered in sequence. <OL> and </OL> tag encloses an Or-dered list. List items are specified by <LI> tag. The tag <OL> can take values as follows

  • type = 1 for 1, 2, 3,….
  • type = i for i, ii, iii,……
  • type = I for I, II, III,……
  • type = a for a, b, c,…
  • type = A for A, B, C,…..

Eg :<OL>

3. Definition List:
It is formed by a group of definitions and their descriptions. No bullet symbol or number is provided for the list items. The <DL> and </DL> tags enclose the definition list. The <DT> tag contains the definition term and <DD> tag specifies the description.
Eg: <DL>
<DD>Electronic cheque

Question 2.
Explain the use of <BODY> tag and list any four of its attributes
Web page contents are given int the body section. Attributes of body tag are:

  1. BGCOLOR-Specifies background color for the document Body
  2. BACKGROUND -Sets the image as background for the document body
    Eg. <BODY BACKGROUNG= “C:\result.jpg”>
  3. TEXT-Specifies the color of the text content of the page
    Eg. <BODYTEXT= “Red”>
  4. LINK- Specifies colour of the hyperlinks that are not visited by the user
  5. ALINK-Specifies the colour of hyperlinks
  6. VLINK-Specifies the color of hyperlinks which are already visited by the viewer.
    Eg. < BODY ALINK= “Cyan” LINK=” Magenta” VLINK= “Orange’’> *
  7. Left margin and Right margin-Sets margin from left and top of the document window.

Plus Two Computer Application Chapter Wise Questions and Answers

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