What is the meaning of Place Value and Face Value in Maths
Place value and face value:
The place value of a digit of a number depends upon its position in the number. The face value of a digit of a number does not depend upon its position in the number. It always remains the same wherever it lies regardless of the place it occupies in the number.
Example: Let us see the place value and face value of the underlined digit in the number 1,32,460. The digit 2 in the number 1,32,460 lies in the thousands period (1000) and hence the place value of 2 is 2 thousands (or 2000). The face value of 2 is 2 only.
Expanded form:
When a number is written as the sum of the place values of all the digits of the number, then the number is in its expanded form.
Example: The expanded form of 9,67,480 is as shown below:
9,67,480 = 900000 + 60000 + 7000 + 400 + 80 + 0
Successor: The successor of a given number is the number that just succeeds it, i.e., ‘the number just after’ the given number. It is obtained by adding one (1) to the given number.
- The successor of 5,678 is 5,678 + 1 = 5,679.
- The successor of 99,999 is 99,999 + 1
= 1,00,000.
Predecessor: The predecessor of a given number is the number that just precedes it, i.e. ‘the number just before’ the given number. It is obtained by subtracting one (1) from the given number.
- The predecessor of 1,257 is 1,257 – 1 = 1,256.
- The predecessor of 1,00,000 is 1,00,000 – 1
= 99,999.