Paragraph on Save Trees 100, 150, 200, 250 to 300 Words for Kids, Students, and Children

Paragraph on Save Trees: Earth is the only known planet to support and sustain life. And trees are the vital elements that maintain a balance and fill the world with greenery, freshness and nourishment. The following paragraphs will provide more information and insight into the importance of trees and urgent necessity to save them and in turn, save lives.

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Paragraph on Save Trees – 100 Words for Classes 1, 2, 3 Kids

Trees are the best gift of nature for us. They make the environment beautiful and clean. Water and sunlight are very important to help trees grow. Human beings get food from trees. Trees also give us wood and shade. Houses, chairs and toys are made from wood we receive from trees.

Trees can be called the best friend to mankind. Many animals get their food from leaves, vegetables and fruits grown on trees. They also live near the shadow of trees. We should stop cutting trees to save nature. Children and adults need to plant more trees and teach each other to stop causing harm to nature. One tree can save many lives.

Paragraph on Save Trees - 100 Words for Classes 1, 2, 3 Kids

Paragraph on Save Trees – 150 Words for Classes 4, 5 Children

Trees form the most essential components of our environment. They take in sunlight, carbon dioxide and water to produce oxygen which helps to support all forms of life on earth. Various kinds of trees can be found which provide us materials for food, shelter, clothing and medicines. Timber and wood obtained from trees are used in many industries to make paper, furniture and other goods of daily use.

As a result, a large number of trees are cut every day to fulfill these needs. This is leading to a loss of stability in the environment and making life difficult. Pollution is increasing due to more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Awareness needs to be spread to save trees and take part in tree plantation and protection for a better, healthier future. Students, schools and other clubs can play an active role to save trees and protect the planet’s natural environment.

Paragraph on Save Trees – 200 Words for Classes 6, 7, 8 Students

Out of all the elements found on this planet, trees account for the sustainability of a large portion of the environment. Occupying vast extents of land in forests, nature parks and wildlife sanctuaries, trees purify the atmosphere with oxygen. All forms of life depend on their direct and indirect needs on the resources provided by trees. Large industries and organizations derive their raw material in the form of wood, paper, fibers and timber obtained from trees.

While producing these materials is of utmost importance, it is equally important to preserve the balance in nature. Excessive deforestation or the cutting down of trees to suit different needs can threaten the future of life on Earth. As the number of trees is reducing every day, pollution levels are increasing. With this, soil erosion and global warming have also reached their peak of risks.

Under these circumstances, some measures to save trees include:

  • Campaigns to promote afforestation
  • Preventing forest fires
  • Preventing pollution and soil erosion
  • Using wood, paper, etc. judiciously
  • Planting more trees at an individual level

With these and many more steps by the government, NGOs and people alike, some consequences of deforestation and destruction may be prevented. Trees existed on the planet before us and may continue to grow again after us too, but our lives are completely dependent on the number of trees we save and saplings we plant in a lifetime!

Paragraph on Save Trees – 250 to 300 Words for Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 and Competitive Exams :

“A single tree can absorb approximately 1 ton of carbon dioxide during its lifetime”.

This statement in itself describes the role that trees play to maintain the cycle and process that supports different life forms on Earth. Trees, in the presence of sunlight, chlorophyll and water, absorb carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. This proceeds through a chemical reaction to produce glucose and oxygen.

Since life runs on the exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen, trees are inherent to our survival. In addition to this, our daily essentials ranging from books, furniture, medicines to the new piece of summer clothing –  all owe their production in one way or the other, to trees. The country’s economy is indirectly dependent on trees as huge manufacturing units derive their basic elements from them.

With the ever-growing population, the demand and supply for every other commodity have increased. This has led to detrimental levels of deforestation. The result today is layers of air filled with pollutants, soil losing its strength to erosion and an acute rise in temperature and sea levels worldwide. Our planet has seen varying degrees of diseases, incorporating artificial means to increase production, illegal cutting down of trees from protected areas and much more.

The situation, however, needs to be brought under control. A lot of measures, programs and events are organized regularly to create awareness and save trees. But a lot more still needs to be done to increase the prospect of a greener, healthier tomorrow. Trees must be planted not only on World Environment Day but also on every other day. Restrictions need to be imposed on the number of trees that can be cut daily. People in urban as well as rural areas need to be educated about the dire effects of deforestation and most importantly citizens need to take responsibility and accountability for their own selves, if not for the future of their race.

“Save trees, Save lives” should be the motto not only on prescribed calendar dates but also on other “industrious” days of the year!

Paragraph on Save Trees 300 Words

FAQ’s on Paragraph on Save Trees

Question 1.
What is the role of Van Mahotsav?

Van Mahotsav is the annual tree-planting festival which is celebrated for a week in the month of July. People engage in planting millions of trees during this time.

Question 2.
What is the Chipko movement?

This movement started in Uttarakhand, India against the slaughter of trees. Women activists and people alike embraced trees to save them from being cut.

Question 3.
What are some days dedicated to saving trees?

The international day of forests and the world environment day are important dates recognized all over the world to save and plant trees.

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