Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Answers

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 1CM

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 1CT
There are some similarities in between the protozoan cysts and bacterial endospores. Both the structures are non-reproductive structures and share similarities in their metabolism. Both the protozoan cysts and bacterial endospores are resistant to drying and some disinfectants.
However, there are even differences between the protozoan cysts and bacterial endospores. The protozoan cysts are eukaryotic in nature, while the bacterial cysts are prokaryotic. Protozoan cysts are not as resistant as bacterial cysts for heat treatment and irradiation.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 1FB
The study of protozoa is called protozoology.
Protozoology is the study of protozoans. These are single-celled animals, which are eukaryotic, unicellular, motile, heterotrophic cells that lack cell wall. The scientists who study these microbes are protozoologists.
Hence, the correct answer is protozoology.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 1L
The photos given are labeled with the type of fungal spore and the type of spore, representing asexual or sexual is given below:

  1. Ascospores are sexual spores.
  2. Basidiospores sexual spores.
  3. Conidia asexual spores.
  4. Chlamydospores asexual spores.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 1M1
Mitosis begins after the cell has duplicated its DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid), so that there are two exact DNA copies. The cell partitions its replicated DNA equally between two nuclei. So, mitosis maintains the ploidy of the parent nucleus. If haploid nucleus undergoes mitosis forms two haploid nuclei; and a diploid nucleus undergoes mitosis produces two diploid nuclei.
Hence, the correct option is (e) diploid nuclei producing diploid nuclei.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 1M2
Fungi have cell wall, which is composed of a strong, flexible, nitrogenous polysaccharide called chitin. This is chemically identical to exoskeletons of insects and other arthropods like lobsters, crabs, and grasshoppers. It is a long polymeric chain of N-acetyl-glucosamine units, which are derivatives of glucose. Hence, the correct option is (a) fungal cell wall component.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 1M3
Chlorophyta are green algae, which have chlorophylls a and b, and use sugar and starch as food reserves. These share similar characters with plants. They are commonly seen in freshwater, terrestrial, and marine environments. There are some species which got specialized to survive under extreme conditions like deserts, hypersaline habitats, deep sea hydrothermal vents etc. Hence, the correct option is (C) green algae.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 1MC

  • A nucleus with a single set of chromosome is called as haploid nuclei. Generally eukaryotic nucleus has one or two complete set of the chromosomal portion of the genome. If it has two sets of chromosomes then it is called as diploid nuclei. For example gametes are haploid but zygote is diploid. Hence option (b) incorrect.
  • The zygotes formed due to union of sperm and egg. Here, the sperm and egg are haploid in nature they union form a diploid zygote. Hence option (c) incorrect.
  • They usually find in the intracellular fluids but not in the cytosol of eukaryotic-organisms. Hence option (d) incorrect. Hence the correct option is (A) contain one set of chromosomes.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 1SA
Comparison and contraction between the closely related terms:
Chromatid is a single daughter strand of a duplicated chromosome, which is joined by a centromere.
Chromosome is physically distinct unit of the genome, which carries many genes. Chromosomal DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) encodes all the genetic information.
Mitosis is a form of nuclear division where the cell has previously replicated each of its chromosomes to separate into two identical sets of chromosomes. Moreover, two nuclei with the same ploidy are produced.
Meiosis II:
Meiosis II is the second phase of meiotic process. The products of meiosis II are the formation of four daughter cells each with one half of the number of chromosomes with the original parent.
Hyphae are the long, branched, tubular filaments of thallus of molds. They can be septate (divides into cells by cross walls called septa) and aseptate (no septa).
Mycelium is the thallus of mold, composed of hyphae intertwined to form a tangled mass called mycelium.
Algal thallus:
Algae are the unicellular or colonial, which have simple multicellular bodies called thalli.
Fungal thallus:
It is a vegetative body of a fungus and is non-reproductive.
Water mold:
Water molds are not true fungi, but they resemble filamentous fungi and have finely branched filaments.
Slime mold:
Slime mold come under amoebozoa with lobe shaped pseudopodia by which they move and show genetic similarities like amoebozoa. They are of two types plasmodial molds and cellular slime molds.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 2CT
Saccharomyces (household yeast) is a metabolically versatile organism, which can catabolize biomolecules completely in the presence of oxygen. In the absence of oxygen, it can convert metabolic intermediates to useful substrates. Yeast can participate in the breakdown of sewage wastes and contribute to the establishment of diverse microbial community that can effectively recycle the materials in the septic tank. So, yeast is beneficial for home improvement.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 2FB
The study of fungi is called mycology.
Mycology is the branch of science that deals with the study of fungi. This study includes fungal genetics, biochemical properties, their taxonomy, their dangers to the humans, and their medicinal uses etc.
Hence, the correct answer is mycology.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 2M1
Meiosis is a nuclear division that involves the partitioning of chromatids into four nuclei. So, each nucleus receives only half the original amount of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). Diploid nuclei use meiosis to produce haploid daughter nuclei.
Hence, the correct option is (b) diploid nuclei producing haploid nuclei.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 2M2
Basidiocarps are fruiting bodies of basidiomycetes. These basidiocarps have tightly woven hyphae that extend into multiple, often club-shaped projections called basidia; at their ends they produce sexual basidiospores on each basidium. The basidiocarps are of two types; epigeous and hypogeous. The epigeous types are visible to naked eye and they are usually called mushrooms, while the hypogeous type basidia are underground and they are termed false truffles.
Hence, the correct option is (F) fungal spores formed on club-shaped hypha.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 2M3
Rhodophyta are red algae. These are characterized by the red accessory pigment phycoerythrin. It absorbs short wavelength blue light and photosynthesize at depths greater than 100 m. They are one of the ancient eukaryotic cells. In addition, they are one of the largest species on earth.
Hence, the correct option is (E) red algae.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 2MC
Mitosis is a type of nuclear division occurs in the somatic tissue of organisms, used in the healing process of damaged tissue. Mitosis have four different stages:
(a) The first step is prophase, in prophase condensation of chromatids takes place.
(b) The second step is metaphase, in metaphase the condensed chromatids are aligned at middle of the cell and attached with spindle fibers.
(c) The third stage is anaphase, in anaphase the condensed chromatids are pulled apart from each other towards opposite poles.
(d) The last stage is telophase, in telophase the cell restores its chromosomes, and nuclear envelope is formed around the new chromosomes. Single cell is divided in to two cells.
Here the option (a), (b), (c) are arranged improperly hence these options are incorrect.
Hence the correct option is (D) prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 2SA
Transport of nutrients through fungi:
Fungi acquire nutrients by absorption. It is obtained by secreting catabolic enzymes outside their thalli and breaks large organic molecules into smaller molecules; thus, transport into thalli. In addition, some fungi are saprobes, which absorb nutrients from the remnants of dead organisms. The fungi, which derive the nutrients from living plants and animals, have modified hyphae called as haustoria.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 3CT
Penicillin is an antimicrobial agent, which acts against prokaryotic bacteria and interferes with the synthesis of peptidoglycan in cell walls. This is a characteristic and structural feature of most bacteria and is not present in eukaryotes. The organisms discussed in this chapter are eukaryotes and hence penicillin cannot act against them.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 3FB
The study of algae is called phycology.
Phycology is branch of science that deals with the algae, and often regarded as a subdiscipline of botany.
Algae are eukaryotic, photosynthetic organisms that live in wet environment. Even though they are photosynthetic like plant but differ from true plants by lack of roots, leaves, and stems.
Hence, the correct answer is phycology.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 3M1
Homologous chromosomes are chromosomes carrying similar or identical genetic sequences. They are the pairs of chromosomes having the same length, staining pattern, centromere position, and genes of a particular characteristic at corresponding loci. One of the homologous chromosomes is inherited from the organism’s mother and other from the father. An aligned pair of chromosomes is called tetrad.
Hence, the correct option is (d) carry similar genes.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 3M2
Zygospores are the sexual structurs of most zygomycetes. They are diploid reproductive spores of most protists and fungi. They are produced when two haploid cells get fuse together. They are also called zygosporangia. These are diploid fungal zygotes with a thick wall.
Hence, the correct option is (E) diploid fungal zygote with a thick wall.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 3M3
Chrysophyta are yellow-green algae because they contain orange-colored pigment called carotene. They are often called golden algae. Expect few species most of the species of this group are photosynthetic organisms. They are mostly present in lakes, and often become prey for zooplankton.
Hence, the correct option is (B) yellow-green algae.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 3MC
Prophase is the first phase in nuclear division. Here chromatids are formed by condensation of DNA molecules into visible threads.
Later one chromosome is formed from two identical chromatids at centromere and finally a set of microtubules is constructed in the cytosol region to form spindle. These are useful in separating sister chromatids to opposite poles.
The cell appears to have line of chromosomes across the mid region is takes place in metaphase hence option (a) is incorrect.
In the prophase the nuclear envelope becomes completely dissolved to release the chromatids hence the option (b) is incorrect.
The chromatids are separate in anaphase stage into individual chromosomes hence the option (d) is incorrect. Hence the correct option is (C) the cell constructs microtubules to form a spindle.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 3SA
Lichens are useful in environmental protection studies:
Lichens are both fungi and photosynthetic microbes. Moreover, they do not grow well in polluted environments, so they are used as sensitive living assays for monitoring air pollution. If the lichen content is less then it is considered that the environment area is not polluted. Thus, ecologists considered lichens as living assays for monitoring air pollution.
Lichens reproduce both sexually and asexually. In asexual mode of reproduction, fragment of the thallus break and grows into lichen. Lichens with ascomycetes fungi reproduce sexually by producing disc shaped apothecia in which spores are formed.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 4CT
Filamentous fungi can be distinguished from colorless algae in the following aspects:

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 4FB
Fungal diseases are called Mycoses.
Mycoses are the fungal diseases of plants, animals and also humans. Dutch elm disease is a mycosis of elm trees. Athlete’s foot is a disease of humans. Localization of fungal spores on skin or inhalation of fungal spores may cause mycoses. Hence, the correct answer is mycoses.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 4M1
Crossing over is a process in which the homologous chromosomes exchange sections of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) in a random fashion in late prophase I step of meiosis. It results in recombination of DNA and has different genetic makeups from their siblings.
Hence, the correct option is (c) results in genetic variation.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 4M2
The vegetative, non-reproductive body of a fungus is called thallus. It is an undifferentiated vegetative tissue. It is seen in different groups of organisms such as fungi, liverworts, algae, lichens, etc. any structure that resembles thallus, is known as thalloid, or thalline, or thallose.
Hence, the correct option is (C) fungal body.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 4M3
Phaeophyta are brown algae, which contain xanthophylls (brown pigment), laminarin, and oils. Phaeophyta are in the kingdom stramenopila. They are mostly seen in marine and they are multicellular in nature. They constitute large group. They play an important role by acting as food for most marine organisms.
Hence, the correct option is (D) brown algae.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 4MC
Cytoplasmic division occurs with telophase of mitosis, but in some algae and fungi it may be postponed or may not occur at all. In this condition by repeated mitosis it produces multinucleate cells called coenocytes.
Mycosis is a disease condition caused by the fungal spores or fungal pathogenic parts. Hence option (a) is incorrect.
The haustoria are the modified hyphae used for the absorption of nutrients from dead and decay organisms. Hence the option (c) is incorrect. Hence the correct option is (C) coenocytes.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 4SA
Distinction between colorless alga and filamentous fungus:
The group of euglenozoa is called as euglenids. They are photoautotrophic, unicellular microbes with chloroplasts containing light absorbing pigments. Moreover, the light absorbing pigments include chlorophyll a, b, and carotene. In addition, euglenids are similar to animals, which lack cell walls having flagella and are chemoheterotrophic phagocytes.
Hence, they share both plant and animal characteristics, so it is a challenge to classify euglenids for taxonomists.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 5CT
Protozoa are highly disparate and diverse group organisms, which has characteristics like eukaryotic, lack of cell wall, and being unicellular. These are also diverse in their metabolism, structures, locomotion etc. and can cause different diseases; while the algae are just beneficial organisms and are not harmful like protozoa. These are like plants and act as primary producers in oceans.
So, scientists as a group spend more money and time in studying protozoa than they do studying algae.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 5FB
Amoebae with stiff pseudopodia and silica shells are radiolarians.
The radiolarians are protozoans that belong to the super-group Rhizaria together with Foraminifera, and Cercozoa. They can produce intricate skeleton made up of minerals. Radiolarians have needle like pseudopodia, which contain bundles of microtubules within them. These pseudopodia render buoyancy to the Radiolarians. Hence, the correct answer is radiolarians.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 5M1
Cytokinesis is the process of cell division in which cytoplasm of the single eukaryotic cell is divided into two daughter cells. This process occurs during the late stages of mitosis. The process of cytokinesis is different in both animal and plant cells. A contractile ring is formed in animal cells, whereas plant cells construct a cell plate in the middle of the cell. Hence, the correct option is (a) cytoplasmic division.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 5M2
Ascomycota species like molds and yeasts are characterized by the formation of haploid ascopores with in a sac called asci. Ascospore is a spore present inside the ascus. In general, each ascus carries eight ascospores, which are produced by meiotic division followed by mitotic division.
Hence, the correct option is (D) fungal spores formed in a sac.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 5M3
Cercozoa are organisms belong to protists. This group includes most flagellates and amoeboids, which gains the food using pseudopods. Cercozoa are closely related to Foraminifera and Radiolaria. These have thread like pseudopodia and calcium carbonates shells. Hence, the correct option is (a) Foraminifera.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 5MC
Septate hyphae are branched, tubular filaments with cross walls found in large fungi.
Aseptate hyphae are not divided by septa or cross walls. Aseptate hyphae are multinucleate and have coenocytic condition. Hence the option (b) is incorrect.
The modified fungal hyphae are called Haustoria. They are used for the nutrient absorption from the dead and decay organisms, there is no existence of septate and aseptate haustoria. Hence the option (c) is incorrect.
The dimorphic mycelia are the existence of both mycelium and yeast like bodies. Hence the option (d) is incorrect. Hence the correct option is (A) Septate hyphae.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 5SA
Scientists studied extensively on protozoa on comparison with algae:
Algae are simple, eukaryotic phototrophic organisms, which carryout photosynthesis. Moreover, they are several economic benefits of algae, which include:

  1. They are used in health care and biofuel industries.
  2. They reduce the inflammation of colon.
  3. They are used to thicken ice creams, toothpastes, and syrups.
  4. They are used for salad dressing and snack food.
  5. Algae use sunlight for photosynthesis, so which naturally produces natural biomass oil product.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 6CT
Fungi are eukaryotic organisms; their metabolism is similar to that of humans, whereas bacteria have significant differences in structure and metabolism when compared with human. Most drugs affect the metabolic processes. So, it is much easier to find chemicals that are toxic to bacteria, but not to humans than it is to find chemicals toxic to fungi, but harmless to humans. Hence, there are more antibacterial drugs than antifungal drugs.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 6M2
Lichens are both fungi and photosynthetic microbes like cyanobacteria or less frequently like green algae. Lichen has hyphae of the fungus, which is usually an ascomycete. It surrounds the photosynthetic cells and provides nutrients, water, and protection. Algae or cyanobacteria provide the fungus with products of photosynthesis like carbohydrates and oxygen.
Hence, the correct option is (B) fungus + alga or bacterium.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 6MC
Chlamydospores are the asexual fungal spores with a thickened cell wall inside the hyphae. They formed during the unfavorable conditions.
Sporangiospores are produced inside a sac called sporangium form the fungal division zygomycota. Hence the option (a) is incorrect.
Conidiospores are produced at the tips or sides of hyphae (or) conidia. Hence the option (b) is incorrect.
Blastospore are asexual fungal spore is formed by the budding mechanism. Hence the option (c) is incorrect. Hence the correct option is (D) Chlamydospores.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 6SA
There are more antibacterial drugs on comparison with antifungal drugs:
Parasitic worms are not microorganisms, but these are group of eukaryotes, relatively large animals called as parasitic helminths. Microbiologists have studied and observed the microscopic infective and diagnostic stages of the helminths, which are usually eggs or larvae in samples of blood, feces, and urine. Therefore, the study of microbiologists in large animals distinguishes the parasites microscopic forms from other microbes.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 7CT
Amoebae, diplomonads, and parabasalids lack mitochondria. Protozoan’s have metabolic pathways, which are similar to that of higher organisms. They require organic and inorganic materials for their metabolism. Even though they lack mitochondria, they can perform metabolic pathways like glycolysis. They have developed unique metabolic pathways that allow them to survive, multiply, and reproduce by scavenging nutrients from the host.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 7MC
The study of algae is called phycology. The scientists who studies about the algae are called as phycologists.
The classification of eukaryotic organisms is done by a zoologist. Hence option (a) is incorrect.
The persons who studied about the rusts, smuts, and yeast are called mycologist. Hence the option (c) is incorrect.
The parasitic worms are also called helminths. These are eukaryotic worm like organisms. Hence the option (d) is incorrect. Hence the correct option is (B) alterations of generations in algae.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 7SA
Ticks are arachnids, which have four pairs of legs. Fleas, lice, and mosquitoes are insects having three pairs of legs. They transmit diseases and are considered as disease vectors.

  1. Tick-borne diseases are Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, tularemia, relapsing fever, and tick- borne encephalitis.
  2. Fleas can serve as intermediate host for dog tapeworm. It transmits plague, which is carried by rat fleas.
  3. Lice are the vectors involved in the epidemic outbreaks of typhus.
  4. Mosquitoes carry pathogens that cause malaria, yellow fever, dengue fever, filariasis, viral encephalitis, and rift valley fever.

Hence, the microbiologists are interested in macroscopic ticks, fleas, lice and mosquitoes as they transmit diseases.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 8CT
Even without genetic sequences, mycologists can be certain. This is because even though the sexual stages are unknown, the analysis of rRNA (ribosomal ribonucleic acid) sequences has revealed that most deuteromycetes infact belong to Ascomycota; and none of the Septate, filamentous deuteromycetes will be shown to make zygospores.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 8MC
Sea weeds are generally thalli of large marine algae which are generally complex with branched holdfasts to anchor them to rocks, stem like stipes and leaf like blades. Sea weeds are organized in to various parts like stem, stipe, hold fast, and blade.

  • They are generally a mass of the unorganized body called thallus. The thallus is very in shape and size, between the sea weed species. Hence, the option (a) is in correct.
  • The anchoring body is called hold fast. That anchors the sea weed to, an unmovable object help to capture the nutrients. Hence the option (b) is incorrect
  • The blade is an organized mass of thallus. They act as flotation discs and sometimes changed into reproductive organs. Hence the option (d) is in correct. Hence the correct option is (C) stipe.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 8SA
Asexual fungi, which were earlier included in the deuteromycetes has never been expected to form zygospore, as it is a sexual structure formed during sexual reproduction in zygospore fungi.
Imperfect fungi (Deuteromycota): They are called imperfect fungi, as not sexual stage has yet been observed.  The important characteristics include the following:

  1. Reproduce asexually by means of shares.
  2. Includes some edible fungi.
  3. Some of the species before resemblance to ascomycetes and others to basidiomycetes & few to zygomycetes.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 9CT
Pneumocystis jiroveci that causes pneumonia was considered as a protozoan because it is a chemoheterotrophic in nature and lacks cell wall. But now, it is considered as fungi. They are reclassified as fungus because they have more structural and functional similarities to fungi and belong to taphrinomycotina branch of the fungal kingdom. The Pneumocystis jiroveci is now considered as yeast like fungus due to its similarities to the fungi.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 9MC
The algal blooms produce different type’s secondary metabolic products like agar-agar, phycoerythrin, and aliginic acid extra. Carrageenan is found in red algae or Rhodophyta in the cell wall.

  • The green algae belongs to the Plant kingdom have carotene, xanthophylls as their pigment molecules. The cellulose and glycoprotein found in cell wall. Hence the option (b) is incorrect.
  • The dinoflagellates are belong to the Alveolata kingdom have chlorophylls a, c1, c2; carotene as their pigment molecules. The cellulose is found in cell walls. Hence the option (c) is incorrect.
  • The yellow green algae is belong to the kingdom Stramenopila kingdom have chlorophylls a, c and xanthophylls as their pigment molecules. The cellulose, silica, calcium carbonate are found in cell wall. Hence the option (d) is incorrect. Hence the correct option is (A) red algae.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 9SA
Taxonomists classified Pneumocystis as fungus:
Taxonomists classified organisms based on the structural similarities, nucleotide sequences, and cellular ultra-structure revealed by electron microscope. However, in modern classification there is no Protista class, instead based on their r RNA (ribosomal ribonucleic acid) sequenced into different kingdoms.
Therefore, nucleotide sequencing like, rRNA sequencing plays a major role in classifying the organisms.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 10CT
Dinoflagellates are eukaryotic, unicellular and lack cell wall; euglenids are eukaryotic, phototrophic, unicellular and colonial forms. So, these have both characteristics that are similar to protozoa and algae.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 10MC
The algal blooms store different type’s storage products like sugar, starch, glycogen, and oils extra. Golden algae or yellow-green algae contains chrysolaminarin which is a polysaccharide used as a storage product.

  • The euglenids belongs to the Euglenozoa kingdom have carotene, chlorophylls a as their pigment molecules. The cellulose and glycoprotein found in cell wall. The paramylon, oils, and sugar as their storage products. Hence the option (b) is incorrect.
  • The dinoflagellates are belong to the Alveolata kingdom have chlorophylls a, c1, c2; carotene as their pigment molecules. The cellulose is found in cell walls, starch and oils as their storage products. Hence the option (a) is incorrect.
  • The brown algae is belong to the kingdom Stramenopila kingdom have chlorophylls a, c and xanthophylls as their pigment molecules. The cellulose, aliginic acids are found in cell wall. The laminarin, oils as their storage products. Hence the option (d) is incorrect. Hence the correct option is (C) golden algae.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 10SA
Ascomycota forms ascospores with in sacs called asci. An ascus produces eight endospores by nuclear divisions.
Those nuclear divisions are elucidated as follows:

  1. A dikaryon is formed by the fusion of multinucleate hyphal tips of opposite mating types.
  2. This dikaryon reproduces to form hyphae, which are dikaryotic in nature.
  3. In the dikaryon, the nuclei is diploid, and this nucleus undergoes meiosis and Cytokinesis to form four haploid cells within an ascus.
  4. Each haploid cell undergoes mitosis and Cytokinesis to form two haploid ascospores, which result in eight ascospores inside the ascus.
  5. These asci open to release their ascospores and germinate to produce hyphae.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 11MC
Diatoms are major group of algae, and belong to marine phytoplanktons; free floating photosynthetic microorganisms. Most of the diatoms are unicellular, and can exist as colonies. Diatoms are characterized by the presence of chlorophylls a and c and carotene. As they contain chlorophyll molecules, they are the producers in marine food chain. Hence, the correct option is (c) chlorophylls a and c and carotene.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 12MC
Water molds are not true fungi; they resemble filamentous fungi in having finely branched filaments. They differ from fungi in having tubular cristae in their mitochondria, cell walls of cellulose instead of chitin; have diploid bodies than haploid and spores having two flagella (one whip like and one hairy).
Hence, the correct option is (a) they have tubular cristae in their mitochondria.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 13MC
Trophozoite is a motile feeding stage of free-living aquatic and pathogenic protozoa. After entering the host, the Trophozoite undergoes schizogony and develops into a schizont, after releasing merozoites.
Hence, the correct option is (d) a trophozoite.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 14MC
Mitosis and meiosis are the two distinct cell division processes. Mitosis is the process of produces two identical daughter cells, whereas meiosis produces four haploid cells. In both mitosis and meiosis formation of spindle is common to separate the chromatids to the opposite poles of a cell.
Hence, the correct option is (a) spindle.

Microbiology with Diseases by Taxonomy Chapter 12 Answers 15MC
Stramenopila are major line of eukaryotes, among most of them are algae. They range from unicellular diatoms to multicellular kelp. Stramenopiles are characterized by hairy flagella at some stage of their life cycle. Major groups of stramenopiles include diatoms, brown algae, and oomycetes.
Hence, the correct option is (d) stramenopila.

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