Essay on TV Addiction | TV Addiction Essay for Students and Children in English

Essay on TV Addiction: TV, abbreviation for  television, is a telecommunication tool employed for transmitting moving pictures in 2D and 3D, along with audio. Television is a medium for advertising, news, sports and entertainment. The television was incited for the public for entertainment purposes and offered important news to people of all age groups. Some people contend that television does not always positively influence people because it can sometimes hinder communication between people. In this essay, we will talk about TV addiction; it causes, symptoms, outcomes, and preventive measures to overcome TV addiction in long and short essays.

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Short Essay on TV Addiction 150 Words in English

Short Essay on TV Addiction is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

TV addiction is observed between people of all age groups. While television is an excellent source of relaxation and can be used to escape from our routine stress, getting addicted to it can be damaging. Television addiction is usually caused because of low social life and the incapability to manage emotions skillfully. It is also a consequence of boredom. While television stifles these issues momentarily, in the long run, it only exacerbates these problems. People addicted to TV start avoiding social events and family reunions just to watch their favourite dramas. They become emotionally clinging on television and undergo withdrawal symptoms when they don’t access it. They don’t like getting engaged in any other work and get bored easily.

TV addiction has various other adversarial consequences too. Some of these include irregular sleep patterns, depression, impaired vision, hemialgia, strained relations, lack of poor performance at work, diminished brain exercise, temper problems, social segregation and physical health problems. TV addiction is a serious matter. If you watch television for ampere-hours a day and cannot stay without watching the television, then you might be addicted. One needs to immediately discuss the problem and get relieved from it before it takes a toll on your life. There are several approaches to defeat this addiction. One just needs to stay resolute and battle their way through.

Essay on TV Addiction

Long Essay on TV Addiction 500 Words in English

Long Essay on TV Addiction is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.


The term addiction doesn’t mean only the dependence of substances such as cocaine or heroin. A person who cannot hold themselves from taking a particular drug or chemical has a substance dependence. Some addictions also include an incapability to cease participating in activities, such as gambling, eating, or working. In these situations, the person has a behavioural addiction.

Addiction to television has been conceptualised and debated since the 1970s. In the initial years, the obsession with TV was limited, but, nowadays, TV addiction is moderately well accepted by parents, educators, and journalists. TV watching has become more prevalent between children and adults, as they are also inclined to overuse.

Getting addicted to anything implies sealing down partially or entirely on other stuff in life. Addiction of all kinds, including TV addiction, is bad. It disturbs a person’s private as well as professional life and influences his health severely. Many people around the world are addicted to television, and this is ravaging their lives.

TV Addiction Agitates Personal Life

We need to employ quality time with our family members to build healthy dynamics with them. A family with a warm and healthy atmosphere fosters happy and healthy kids. People addicted to TV prefer watching television rather than talking to their family members. This disrupts normal family life.

As a person becomes addicted to TV, he also suffers the right equation with friends. He does not socialise much and eventually grows socially detached. This is a matter of great concern. Television addiction is one of the causes of people getting away from each other. People addicted to television may not understand this initially; however, they soon start to feel lonely. Most of them even fall into depression because of the television addiction.

It Hinders Professional Life

A person addicted to TV always aches to get back home and watch his favourite programs on the TV. Such people often juggle important meetings, get late in every task, and even take leaves from their workplace to watch TV, which can also hamper their career. All they worry about is to reach home quickly and relax in front of their TV set. People addicted to the TV are likely to function poorly at work because watching television for a prolonged time can reduce their capability to focus on the job at hand.


Many people around the globe are suffering from TV addiction. They are destroying their life in replacement of temporary entertainment. It is necessary to recognise the cause of this obsession and get rid of it to commence a healthier life.

Essay on TV Addiction 800 words in English


TV addiction is as critical as any other sort of obsession. It is effortless to get addicted to television but challenging to defeat it. With various new channels and compelling television shows being launched regularly, it is difficult to get past this habit. However, it is important to get cured, in time as its influence on a person’s life is arduous to deal with. Television addiction is usually caused because of typically non existent social life and the incapability to manage emotions skillfully. It is also a consequence of boredom. While television stifles these issues momentarily, in the long run, it only exacerbates these problems.

Methods to cure TV addiction

Start by restricting your TV viewing time. Make a schedule that involves different activities throughout the day to help you to keep you busy. Adhere to your plan to run your day orderly and limit your TV viewing hours. This can prove to be a notable move in getting rid of TV addiction.
Spending time with your family is much more fun and satisfying than wasting time in front of the idiot box. When trying to get over your television obsession, it is always a great idea to seek help from family members. They will assuredly assist you in the situation.
Every person in this world has a hobby. It may be painting, dancing, landscaping or playing a sport. We can also get engaged in doing household chores, reading books, and many other activities. This will reduce our urge to watch tv and get rid of this addiction.
One may have the urge to watch TV while they sit at home for a long time. It is a great idea to get involved in outdoor activities, or visiting a friend, going for a walk which will help you stay away from the television for long hours.

TV Addiction in Children

In earlier days, people lived in a joint family. Children were blessed to have a lot of brothers and sisters, uncles, aunts and grandparents with whom they could play and spend time. But things have evolved over time. 1qaThe trend of a nuclear family is one of the chief causes of TV addiction among children. In a nuclear household, both the parents work to secure a better lifestyle for the family, which often isolates the kids. Therefore, the easiest thing for the children to turn to for a companion is the television.

Parents often switch on the television and make their children sit in front of it, so that they can move on with their work tranquilly. And before they realise, their kids are already addicted to the television. It is easy to get addicted to the TV but challenging to get over it. Kids who develop television addiction cannot focus on their education and perform badly in their exams. They also exhibit health problems and behavioural problems. Parents are required to assure that they restrict their child’s TV viewing time. This is essential for the mental as well as physical well being of the kids.

Impact of TV Addiction

TV addiction is apprehended to create behavioural problems. A person who is addicted to TV is expected to show signs of aggressiveness. This is because most television programs stream brutal content. It can blur the ability of a person to contemplate. The reasoning and behaviour of a television addict are primarily influenced by the type of shows they watch repeatedly. They are not capable of focusing on their work. They have this never-ending urge to revert to the television and watch their beloved shows. Additionally, this obsession also decreases the activity of the brain that results in bad performance at work.

TV addicts usually daydream and start living in a fancy world. They cut off connections from reality. They frequently complain of migraine. They often suffer from redness in the eyes, and their eyesight also declines over time. Television addicts usually seclude themselves from society. This results in depression over time. This obsession ends in irregular sleep patterns which causes apathy and hinders work. It can reduce physical activities and result in several health problems such as diabetes, obesity, heart problems, etc.

Essay about TV Addiction

TV Addiction Essay Conclusion

The addiction of TV is correlated with obsessive behaviour of watching television shows for hours. TV addiction destroys the brain to a large extent. It hinders a person’s all-round growth and creates various other issues. The problem must be addressed immediately to lead a happy and fulfilling life.. It is straining personal relationships, lowering professionals’ performance level, and increasing negative thinking among the masses. Television addiction is the same as other forms of addiction such as – drug addiction, computer addiction, mobile addiction and other disorders. If one cannot subdue TV addiction, they should immediately meet a guide or therapist who can help them to handle the addiction.

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