Essay On Simple Living High Thinking | Simple Living High Thinking Essay for Students and Children in English

Essay On Simple Living High Thinking: The concept of simple living high thinking is something that every person should adopt. This concept is also called as minimalism where a person owns bare minimum items in his house. Your lifestyle will be totally different if you own just the essentials. We have seen what is happening around the world when people are buying just the essential commodities. The COVID-19 pandemic has thought us that all we need to survive are the basic essentials like a house, a vehicle, food and medicines. All others are luxuries that we don’t actually need in reality.

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Long and Short Essays on Simple Living High Thinking for Students and Kids in Engish

This article explores the various advantages of simple living high thinking kind of lifestyle.In this essay article, we have provided a long 600 word limit on essay on simple living high thinking that will help students in both colleges and schools in winning their essay writing competitions. A short format of the essay on simple living high thinking with a 200-word limit is also provided for the student’s understanding and benefits.

Long Essay On Simple Living High Thinking 600 Words

Find below a 600-word essay on simple living high thinking for students of classes 7,8,9 and 10.

To start with, let me say that it is our thought process that makes us rich and not how much money we have in our bank accounts. Have you ever wondered why is it that your closet is always full of clothes even if you don’t wear them any day? Have you ever wondered why your room is so messy and cluttery even though you hardly use any of the things in there? Have you ever wondered why is it that your computer table is full of things other than a computer, which is the only thing you use that is lying on the table?

The urge of a human being to gain materialistic wealth is beyond control and has a significant impact on our economy. Companies market products that are actually not needed and add no value to our lives but the branding of the products is done such that it is made to create an illusion of value addition in our lives when in reality, all it does is add problems to our lives.

The concept of simple living high thinking is not just about a clutter-free closet or a clean room. To have peace of mind and live a truly blessed life, we need to follow this simple living high thinking theory in life. Some of us have money, some of us don’t and some of us have that in plenty and still, our peace of mind is not as much as that worker who sleeps on the footpath with no worries. We as a society look at them in wonderment and pity, but in reality, it is them that should pity us.

What does a simple living high thinking lifestyle constitute?

There is no one such established lifestyle to achieve simple living high thinking, but below are two things that we should inculcate in our lives to lead a resourceful, meaningful and purposeful life.

  • Spend less on yourself and more on others: The sense of joy, fulfillment and satisfaction you get when you help someone in need is far more than the joy you get when you buy a branded shoe or a costly phone. The COVID-19 pandemic has thought many life lessons to us and one of which is the joy of helping others. It is not just about the joy, we should do it as a responsibility and gratitude towards our privileges that God has granted us. The entire economy of the world is crumbling just because all of us are buying only the bare minimum and essentials. More than 90% of our economy is surviving because of the consumer’s spending on things that they don’t really need.
  • Practice minimalism for a better life: Minimalism is a term that is used to refer to a lifestyle which is minimum in materialistic point of view, but maximum in peace of mind and tranquillity point of view. We are always frustrated and agitated whenever we come home looking at a closet full of clothes, a kitchen full of utensils, a refrigerator full of food and a table full of useless things. Get rid of it all. Yes, the minimum lifestyle will give a sense of direction and purpose in life. Instead of spending that one lakh rupee on iPhone, buy a phone that is cheaper and use the rest of the money to feed the poor and the hungry. Try this one day and you yourself will be addicted to that joy. The smile that you see when you feed someone who is in need is enough to have a sense of purpose in life.

It is not easy to achieve a simple living high thinking lifestyle especially for someone like us who are privileged enough to have money to spend. But true simple living high thinking lifestyle is followed by the unprivileged and financially weak section of our society. They might be financially weaker than us, but on a moral and wisdom compass, they are far ahead of us in the race.

Long Essay On Simple Living High Thinking

Short Essay on Simple Living High Thinking 200 Words

Find below a 200-word short essay on a simple living high thinking lifestyle for students of Classes 1,2,3,4,5 and 6.

The lifestyle of simple living high thinking is not an easy one to achieve. But if you want peace of mind, a sense of purpose and direction in life, then this is the way to go. There is no one established rule for a simple living high thinking, but it depends on what makes you happy. But we need to remember that the happiness that comes from having materialistic wealth is playing on our minds is in reality played by businesses and their brainwashing us day in and day out.

The whole concept behind this lifestyle is buying the things we only need and living a simple life in terms of materialistic wealth, but rich and wealthy life in terms of happiness and content life.

There are two sections of people in our society, the privileged and the unprivileged. In terms of money power and materialistic wealth, we are privileged and those who don’t have are unprivileged, but in terms of content and joyful life, we are unprivileged and the ones who have them in abundance are the privileged. There is a fine line between these two sections of society. Only by living a simple living high thinking lifestyle can you blur that line and cross the other side of the fence and experience that joy as well.

10 Lines On Simple Living High Thinking Essay

  1. Simple living high thinking is the lifestyle of owning less and giving more
  2. It is the thinking that makes us rich and not the wealth we possess
  3. Hight thinking will give us happiness and an optimistic outlook on life
  4. Get rid of all the non-essentials in your life and see how well our lives turn out to be
  5. The greed of the man to make money has made him miserable and frustrated all the time
  6. To break the glass ceiling and be happy, we need to donate wealth and help the poor and the needy
  7. Following a simple living high thinking gives us a sense of purpose and direction in life
  8. An uncluttered mind comes from an uncluttered closet
  9. The mad rat race to make money has no end and human beings keep running behind it and die one fine day
  10. The real rich person is the one who is happy and content with his life

10 Lines On Simple Living High Thinking

FAQ’s on Essay On Simple Living High Thinking

Question 1.
Is it wrong to have more money?

Not necessarily. The money we make represents our hard work. But that hard work should not turn into greed

Question 2.
How can I live a free life?

By following a minimalistic lifestyle, we will unclutter our minds from greed and this will bring us closer towards living a free life.

Question 3.
Should I quit earning money to live a simple living high thinking lifestyle?

No, earning money and making a livelihood out of it is necessary given the structure of our society.

Question 4.
What will happen if I don’t buy luxury items?

Absolutely nothing will happen to an individual person if they don’t buy luxury items. Our desire and greed will gradually come down

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