Essay on Pleasure of Cycling | Pleasure of Cycling Essay for Students and Children in English

Essay on Pleasure of Cycling: The uses and pleasures of cycling are many. It is an eco-friendly means of transportation hence does not contribute to pollution. It also helps one stay healthy by providing a good deal of exercise. It is also the cheapest and a dependable means of transportation.

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Short Essay on Pleasure of Cycling 200 Words for Kids and Students in English

Below we have given a short essay on Pleasure of Cycling is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

On my last birthday, my parents gifted me a bicycle. I was absolutely thrilled. Before this I always had to borrow one but now I had my own bicycle. It is very light in weight and blue in colour. I feel very proud of it and ride it whenever I want to.

Essay on Pleasure of Cycling

Now I even cycle down to my school. At times, I carry a friend at the back. One has to be very careful while riding on the roads. The traffic is so heavy and roads are so crowded. I use my cycle bell to alert others on the road. It makes a very pleasant sound.

I clean and oil my cycle regularly to make my ride smooth and easy. I get punctures fixed by a bicycle mechanic near my house. Now that I have a bike, I don’t have to spent money on travelling.

I often go out riding with my friends in the evening. Apart from everything else, cycling provides me a good deal of freedom.

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