Essay on Effects of Deforestation | Effects of Deforestation Essay for Students and Children in English

Essay on Effects of Deforestation: The diverse effects of deforestation are mainly causing our environments worse, such as soil erosion, biodiversity impacts and social effects.

Deforestation has varieties of social effects on our society; its impact affects us not only humans but also animals, plants and the surrounding environment. Deforestation forces and causes the surrounding to adapt in order to survive such difficult situations.

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Long and Short Essays on Effects of Deforestation for Students and Kids in English

We provide students with essay samples on Effects of Deforestation essays of 500 words and a short piece of 150 words on the same topic for reference.

Long Essay on Effects of Deforestation 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Effects of Deforestation is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

The word deforestation is defined as the process of burning and cutting down the trees in woodland and forest and converting the land to other use. Forests still cover about 30 per cent of the Earth’sEarth’s surface, but each year about 13 million hectors of forest (approximately 78,000square miles) are converted to agricultural land or cleared for other purposes.

There are actually two key issues that surround the process of deforestation. Trees absorb carbon dioxide CO2, helping to reduce the number of carbon compounds in the atmosphere. Carbon reduction will help to slow and stop the greenhouse effect, as it is one of the key causes of global warming. The diverse effects of deforestation are mainly causing our environments worse, such as soil erosion, biodiversity impacts and social effects.

In the monsoon season, washing away of soil are some immediate effects of deforestation. This is because trees are no longer binding and anchoring the soil and so mudslides take place. By the large amounts of water, the EarthEarth is leached of minerals. Although tropical forests cover only about 7 percent of the Earth’sEarth’s dry land, they probably harbour about half of all species on EarthEarth. Many species can only be found in small areas and are so specialized to microhabitats within the forest. Their specialization makes them vulnerable to extinction.

Deforestation has varieties of social effects on our society; its impact affects us not only humans but also animals, plants and the surrounding environment. Deforestation forces and causes the surrounding to adapt in order to survive such difficult situations. Every day, the use the timber as a major source of fuel, building material, and paper products, a hundred thousands of trees are cut down all over the world. Urbanization has forced a man to acquire huge forest areas. As the population grows, the need for agricultural land has also increased over the years. A basic statistic showing population growth as the population grows so makes the rise, which leads to deforestation and the demand of more forests to be cut down. This is a break-down of land area per sq. km 2002 / 2008.

Some of the possible solutions to deforestation are:

  1. Due to public awareness, there has been a new development in most parts of the world that enforces reforestation. Especially in countries around Asia, we have seen some major changes.
  2. Due to new regulations and laws passed, we have also seen huge development as old trees are not allowed to be cut down, and new trees have been planted.
  3. Sanctuaries are actually very important, not only to save the entire wildlife but also to save leftover trees. In protecting all wildlife, sanctuaries go a long way.
  4. All cities do let alone new cities and have to be properly managed. The new projects need to be planned and controlled accordingly making sure new trees are planted.
  5. For all the wood or forest that is needed for the industry, there can be special forest plantations. This way, the wood can be harvested and cut in a regulated and controlled environment.
  6. In a big way, improper water management affects deforestation. If the wildlife doesn’t have water, then the entire ecosystem will falter.

Essay on Effects of Deforestation

Short Essay on Effects of Deforestation 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Effects of Deforestation is usually given to classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Trees absorb carbon dioxide CO2, helping to reduce the number of carbon compounds in the atmosphere. Carbon reduction will help to slow and stop the greenhouse effect, as it is one of the key causes of global warming.

The diverse effects of deforestation are mainly causing our environments worse, such as soil erosion, biodiversity impacts and social effects. In the monsoon season, washing away of soil are some immediate effects of deforestation. This is because trees are no longer binding and anchoring the soil and so mudslides take place. By the large amounts of water, the Earthis leached of minerals.

Deforestation has varieties of social effects on our society; its impact affects us not only humans but also animals, plants and the surrounding environment. Deforestation forces and causes the surrounding to adapt in order to survive such difficult situations. There has been a new development in most parts of the world that enforces reforestation. Especially in countries around Asia, we have seen some major changes.

10 Lines on Effects of Deforestation in English

  1. Deforestation is a process cutting down its trees and bushes and removal of forest.
  2. Forests satisfy us in numerous ways, and it is not ethical to destroy them completely.
  3. Making land available for the habitation of human is the major reason behind deforestation.
  4. Another big reason for deforestation is to get the costly item like oil from the Palm tree.
  5. Deforestation is a very slow process, but it is done by cutting down every single tree.
  6. The burning of trees is one of the faster processes of deforestation.
  7. Deforestation helps and promotes the increase of the Green House Gases like Carbon dioxide CO2, which are hazardous as well as dangerous.
  8. Trees actually reduce the soil erosion to almost zero levels which do increases after the process of deforestation.
  9. Deforest forces the wild animals like panther, lion, and tiger to run towards the villages and towns.
  10. Deforestation has increased rapidly in the past few decades, and its effect can be clearly seen.


Essay about Effects of Deforestation

FAQ’s on Effects of Deforestation Essay

Question 1. 
What are the effects of deforestation Class 8?

The percolation of rainwater into the soil is reduced when the forest trees are cut down. A lot of water of heavy rain from deforested soil due to deforestation rushes into the rivers quickly, causing floods.

Question 2.
What are the effects of deforestation on humans?

But deforestation is having another worrisome effect: an increase in malaria and dengue fever, which are the spread of life-threatening diseases.

Question 3.
Why is it important to stop deforestation?

Keeping forests drought by regulating regional rainfall and intact also help prevent floods. And because many forest and indigenous peoples rely on tropical-forests for their livelihoods, investments in reducing deforestation provide without deforestation them with the resources they need for sustainable development.

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