Essay On Career | Career Essay for Students and Children in English

Essay On Career: Career is the most important part of one’s life. To put bread on your dining table, to gain respect from the society and for your self-satisfaction, a good career is a must. But the definition of “good career” is vague and depends on people to people.

There is no such thing called as a good career. A career path that is good for me might not be necessarily good for others. Therefore, in this particular essay on career, we would like to dig deep and understand what a career is and how to choose one in order to lead a happy and content life.

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Long and Short Essays on Career for Students and Kids in English

In this article, we have provided a 600-word long essay on career for students and college children. Also, you can find a 200-word short essay on career for various essay writing competitions. Long essay on career is helpful for students of classes 7,8,9 and 10. Short essay on career is helpful for students of classes 1,2,3,4,5 and 6

Long Essay On Career 500 Words in English

Each and every one of us has faced a certain junction or a cross-road at some point in our lives that has had a major impact on our lives. This can be both a professional crossroads or personal crossroads. But in this essay on career, I would like to talk about the cross-road that we see in our professional careers. It’s not just the students who would have faced a dilemma in deciding a career, even employees past 30 years of age face this crisis.

When a student’s face its called a beginner’s crisis, but when an employee 6 years down the lane faces dilemmas in his or her career choices, then its usually called a mid-life crisis or mid-career crisis. Midlife crisis is a term that refers to people who are having second thoughts about their career a few years down after working in the same. There might be plenty of reasons for these some of which may be an everyday monologue, fatigue, salary issues, professional growth issues, internal office dilemmas, etc. In this essay on career, I am going to talk about both type of career choices.

A student’s life is the first crossroad that we face in our lives. By keeping certain factors in mind, there is plenty of career choice a student can choose from. Some of the popular career choices are engineering, medicine, arts, and commerce. Which career to choose and on what terms is something that every student will have to worry about. There are certain criteria to choose a career, which are:

Criteria to Choose a Career

  • Passion: The word passion sounds cliche, but it is an important criterion to consider before choosing a career path. If everyone follows their passion and chose a career accordingly, then the concept of a mid-career crisis wouldn’t have occurred in the first place. Every one of us would have dreamt of something during our childhood. We all wanted to become a police, a cricketer, an actor, a doctor or an engineer. But not everyone follows and listens to the child in them. We ultimately give up on our passions and choose a safe career that will give us a good salary. Risk-taking is a part and parcel of life and no one should regret not doing something 80 years down the lane when they are on their deathbed.
  • Stability: Financial stability, as well as job stability, is something that should be considered as an important criterion. Because the world is increasingly changing and many industries are being taken out by emerging technologies. So before choosing a particular career path, stability as well the salary factors should be taken into account
  • Future prospects: Future prospects, both in terms of your interest in the field as well the survival of the field itself, in the next 20 years should be taken into consideration. A Mid-career crisis can be avoided if future prospects are evaluated properly. Certain industries might fall and certain might become the next biggest phenomenon. People who are serious about their careers choose a path which has a long-lasting prospect
  • Satisfaction: This is another important factor while choosing a career path. A good salary, a nice work environment and a good location might give some people the job satisfaction they need, but there are some people who are not affected by any of that. The only thing that matters to them is the job itself. Usually, a job that is socially helpful is the ones that provide true satisfaction.

This essay on career is written from a student’s point of view. But an essay on career from an employee’s point of view will be totally different. The factors mentioned above might not even be relevant to them anymore. But this essay on career in mainly confined to the beginner’s journey.

Long Essay On Career

Short Essay on Career 200 Words in English

Below, we have given an example essay on career with a 200-word limit in English for students of classes 1,2,3,4,5 and 6.

Career is a term that is referred to the professional path that a candidate decides to take upon to earn a livelihood. This is, in fact, a vague definition for a career. And more importantly, the concept of people choosing a career to earn a livelihood has almost become redundant. The millennials nowadays are risk-takers and choose a career according to their passion irrespective of whether the career is stable or not. There is something called as an odyssey stage where people who have just completed there degrees, wants to postpone their prospects of working. People nowadays are in pursuit of knowledge more than the pursuit of money. From a bachelor’s degree to a master degree to a PhD, nothing seems to be enough for the growing population of millennials.

This is something even businesses are taking into consideration. The attrition rates in companies are very high resulting in loss of money for the company in training and induction. The attrition rates would not have been high, provided a student had got good career counselling before choosing a particular career path.

There are many career paths that a person can choose from. The fact that there are so many choices is in itself a problem statement. If the choices were low, people would not have much say in choosing a career path. But on what factors does he or she choose is a big question to ponder upon.

10 Lines On Career Essay

  1. A career path should be chosen based on passion and interest in the field
  2. There are plenty of career choices to choose from like engineering, medical, commerce or management
  3. There is no one definition for a good career path
  4. The suitability of a career depends on person to person
  5. People tend to leave companies often because of improper career guidance at the beginning of their career
  6. Safe career paths are those that provide good salary and job security
  7. Choosing a risky career path like music or dance has become an increasing trend among the Millenials
  8. The millennial mentality is far different from the previous generation’s mentality in term of career paths
  9. Companies should address and provide good career guidance to their employees
  10. Educational institutes should provide career counseling to students in accordance with their interests and aptitude.

10 Lines On Career

FAQ’s On Essay on Career

Question 1.
How to choose a career path?

Follow your passion and interest to decide on a career path

Question 2.
Which is the best career path?

There is no one good career path. It varies from people to people

Question 3.
Is engineering the best career?

Engineering graduates have more jobs to choose from after their graduation

Question 4.
Which is the most difficult career path?

There is no such thing as a difficult career path. It all depends on hard work and competency

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