Essay on Cancer | Cancer Essay for Students and Children in English

Essay on Cancer: A disease that creeps up on life when you least expect it and you have no idea how to fight it. A disease that can happen to any part of your body and can dismember you for life. Yes, we are talking about cancer. Cancer is a disease that not only breaks your body down but cripples you from your mind. To help students for writing an essay on the topic ‘Cancer’, we have presented them with long and short essay samples. Along with this, we will also provide ten pointers on the theme that will work as guidance for framing the essay.

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Long and Short Essays on Cancer for Students and Kids in English

We are providing a long essay of 400-500 words and a short essay of 100 to 200 words on the topic of Cancer.

Long Essay on Cancer 500 words in English

Cancer Essay is usually given to classes 7, 8, 9, and 10.

“Once Cancer happens, it entirely changes the way you live for the rest of your life.” This statement in a subtle way conveys us the dangerousness of the deathly disease that is cancer. You might think that people who work out two hours a day and drink protein shakes to refine their abs, how can they fall prey to cancer. Well, Cancer does not adhere to any such rules or fitness routines. It happens if it is meant to happen and that is the only explanation that cancer offers.

As many people assume, cancer is not just a disease caused by karma to take falsified revenge. Cancer is a disease that is caused when cells develop abnormally anywhere in the body. There are over 200 types of cancer that have prevailed over the years. Cancers that have shown up frequently are Lung and prostate cancer, Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, Endometrial Cancer, Pancreatic Cancer, and many more.

Cancer symptoms and signs are not very specific as they depend on the specific grade and type of cancer, but the symptoms that are seen are fatigue, weight loss, pain, changes in the skin, unusual bleeding, persistent cough or voice change, fever, lumps or tissue masses.

There are many tests to screen and diagnose cancer but the most common one used is by examination of a biopsy sample of the suspected cancer tissue. After the diagnosis, another important part is determining the stage to which cancer has progressed. The cancer spread is generally given a number from 0 to 4, the last being the most aggressive.

Determining the stage of cancer also helps in determining treatment protocols. Treatment also varies as per individual cancer a person suffers from. But the most common protocols are surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. There are many home remedies or other treatments but the patients are strongly advised to discuss this with their doctors.

Though its none of our faults, our gender plays an active role. A compiled report by cancer research in the UK states that the chances of men dying from cancer are 40% more than women and they are 16% more prone to get the disease. People with skin types 1 and 2 are more prone to getting cancer. Old age and genes also play as a strong competitor in reasons for getting cancer. So, there is no bar for what kind of person may get any kind of cancer.

Cancer affects a mind more than the body that is its victim. But Quitting is no answer. Some people may have to be strong and steady to help their family and have many pressing issues on their hands. You can be in denial or be overwhelmed with your situation but all you have to do is express your feelings or cope up positively. Cancer may ruin your body but your life depends upon your mind. You have the choice to select if you are a warrior or a weak person in this war against cancer.

Long Essay on Cancer

Short Essay on Cancer 150 words in English

Cancer Essay is useful for students in classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Cancer is a disease that does not give any indication of its arrival. Cancer is caused when cells multiply at an abnormal rate in any part of the body. Cancer generally is of 200 types but the most frequently seen cancers are Lung and prostate cancer, Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, Endometrial Cancer, Pancreatic Cancer, and many more.

The symptoms of cancer are not defined as they vary according to the stage and type of cancer in a person. The same thing goes with the treatments of the infected person. Fatigue, weight loss, a lump under the skin or areas of thickening, changes in the skin, etc. There are many ways to diagnose cancer but the most common way in which it is used is the examination of a biopsy sample of the infected area.

Cancer treatments can be very depressing to the mind and can financially put a great hole as well. Surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy frequently used remedies to cure cancer. There are also other treatments but they have to be in the strict supervision of a doctor. Thus, cancer is a dangerous disease that can be won against willpower and proper guidance against it.

10 Lines on Cancer Essay in English

  1. Cancer is a disease that is caused by abnormal growth of cells in a body.
  2. Cancer is a disease that is not bound to any specific kind of person, it can happen to anyone.
  3. Males have 16% more chance than females in falling a victim to this disease.
  4. The symptoms of cancer are not defined well as they depend on individual cancer.
  5. The common symptoms are fatigue, weight loss, a lump under the skin or areas of thickening, changes in the skin, etc
  6. The treatments also vary as per different cancers.
  7. The most common treatments for cancers are Surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.
  8. Old age people are also easily prone to this disease.
  9. Factors like skin tone and genes are a major reasons for cancer.
  10. People with skin types 1 and 2 are prone to cancer and people with skin types 5 and 6 are the least prone to cancer.

10 Lines on Cancer

FAQ’s on Cancer Essay

Question 1.
How many types of cancers are there?

There are 200 types of cancers prevailing currently in the world.

Question 2.
Who is more prone to cancer?

Cancer can be inflicted at any age but the risk grows with age. People who are 50 or above 50 are diagnosed frequently.

Question 3.
Can cancer be caused by injuries?

No, bruises, rashes, or falls are not linked to cancer in any way.

Question 4.
Is cancer a contagious disease?

No, Cancer is not a contagious disease in any way.

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