Domestic Pets Essay

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Domestic Pets Essay

Domestic pets are common in most countries. In our country, many families are fond of keeping domestic pets. There are many kinds of domestic pets. Everyone selects pets according to his own taste. Domestic pets are not only a source of pleasure, but they act as therapy in some cases.

Domestic pets are countless. Birds including parrots, pigeons, sparrows and peacocks fall under the category of domestic pets. There are cats and dogs, horses, elephants, camels, mules and mares. Then, there are cows and she-buffaloes, rabbits, deer, squirrels and mongoose and all these are domestic pets. But a family keeps a pet of its own liking.

Domestic Pets Essay

Dogs are common pets in India as well as in the European countries. Europeans are very fond of dogs. Sometimes, they maintain and care for dogs even more than they care for human beings. Dogs are very faithful. That is why, many people prefer them as domestic pets. Dogs act as protectors of our property and scare away thieves during night. They play very good games as well. In sports, dogs are trained by their masters and go for ‘dog shows’.

Some people also keep cats and mongoose in their homes. Cats not only kill rats, but are also a source of entertainment. But at the same time, they contaminate the eatables.

Peacock is the national bird of India. In some regions of India, peacocks are quite common. In sandy areas, they are very happy. Peacock is a beautiful bird. In Rajasthan, peacocks are kept as domestic pets by most of the families.

Cows and she-buffaloes are very useful for the national economy. Even on religious grounds, cow is worshipped in India. Hindus call it mother cow. Cow’s milk is very useful. Its dung is used as fuel and manure. Its urine is used in many medicines. Some people eat its flesh. They are known as beef-eaters. But majority of the people consider killing and eating of such a useful animal to be a great sin.

Horses are also very common in India. As they run very fast, they are used for riding and travelling. In battles, horses were very common during the ancient times because in those days, there were no trains and planes. Racers also keep horses. In villages, the rich people keep horses for going from one place to another. Then, there are mules and asses as well. They are used for carrying loads. They are known as the beasts of burden.

Some people keep birds, rabbits, deer and doves in their houses. These pets really give enjoyment. The twitter of birds enchants the keepers. Parrot is one of the most common domestic pets. This bird can be trained to speak like man. Monkeys are also kept by some people. Their gestures of imitations thrill the people.

We can learn many things from the domestic pets. We can know about their typical sound, food habits and likes and dislikes. Moreover, they give much pleasure and this is also a pastime for many people. Some people keep domestic pets as a hobby and some keep them for company. Their upkeep and care are, no doubt, a costly affair. One will have to devote proper attention towards their rearing, otherwise they can fall sick or die due to malnutrition or disease.

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