What are the Causes for Pollution

What are the Causes for Pollution

Pollution :
Fossil fuels are formedĀ  of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen and sulphur. On burning they produce carbon dioxide, water, oxides of sulphur and nitrogen. In the presence of insufficient oxygen, carbon monoxide is produced instead of carbon dioxide.

  1. Carbon Monoxide :
    It readily combines with haemoglobin forming carboxyhaemoglobin. The latter is unable to combine with oxygen. Therefore, carrying capacity of blood is reduced. In closed rooms, it may cause death due to asphyxiation. This is common in winter when coal fired heating device is used.
  2. Carbon dioxide :
    Being a green house gas, it adds to global warming.
  3. Nitrogen Oxides :
    They cause necrosis and killing of plant parts. Internal injuries, eye irritation and loss of smell are produced in human and animals. Corrosion occurs in metals. They are also component of acid rain.
  4. Sulphur Oxides :
    They kill lichens, damage metals, marble and other articles, cause eye irritation, damage to respiratory tract and cause acid rain.
  5. Flyash :
    Burning of coal also produces particulate matter called flyash it contains toxic ingredients.

Management of Fossil Fuels :
The management of fossil fuels is mainly based on better use through use of more and more efficient machines. The internal combustionĀ  engnies used by vehicles employed in transportation are concentrating on ensuring complete combustion. It will reduce air pollution and increase efficiency. 5-10% ethanol (ethyl alcohol) is being added to petrol to reduce consumption of the latter. Hybrid engines using hydrogen and gasoline are also being developed.

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