How to Prepare for Examinations


How to Prepare for Examinations?

Do exams make you nervous? Are you worried about falling or under-performing? It doesn’t need to be this way.

As an aspiring global educator, students from all around the world regularly ask me about what I believe are the most effective study habits. The following 7 tips have been designed for you to SUCCEED when studying for examinations.

Spend time every day working on the subject matter

Devoting time periods each day for study means that frequent learning advancements will occur organically. Learning almost any subject (engineering, mathematics, economics, psychology) can be compared to learning languages — 1f you don’t regularly “use” it, then you’ll lose it. Spending regular time reading, writing, thinking and researching each day will also get YOU into good organisational habits.

Understand via questioning

When revising material, ask yourself questions that facilitate understanding. For example, if you are reading a section within a book, then ask yourself: “What are the main points/ideas of this section?”; “What is the author trying to tell me?”; “Why does the conclusion follow from the premise?” This will develop critical reasoning and enable you to summarise the section in your own words and style.

Concentrate for no longer than 50 minutes

Giving yourself regular breaks is an essential part of effective studying, as a break will freshen the mind and relieve stress. My advice is to study for no longer than 50 minutes before taking a 10 minute break. The break might involve a drink or snack to keep your energy up.

Consider simple cases first

Many people learn a new idea most effectively by starting with simple and introductory examples. rather than general and abstract theories. Get your confidence up by trying to understand a basic case of a more general idea. By moving from the simple to the more abstract, you’ll master different levels of knowledge and detail, logically progressing to comprehending the ideas deeply.

Examine past test papers

If a subject’s syllabus does not change much from year to year, then it is a good idea to locate past test papers for the subject and to study them carefully. Complete as many as you can. What kinds of questions have been asked in previous years? Not only will this familiarise yourself with subject-matter, bitt it will also give YOU a guide on what questions teachers have found important over the years, plus it will inform you 011 what level of details in answers/solutions are required.

Engage with the material to help the learning process

A positive attitude can go a long way to break down mental barriers to learning. Try to stay positive when studying seemingly tedious or dry material. If certain content seems irrelevant or downright boring then ask yourself, or your teacher, how the ideas can be motivated and contextualised.

Don’t give up: You can do it!!

If you persevere with sustained and strategic study habits, building confidence along the way, then you’ll SUCCEED in your examinations. You can do it!!

Time Management Tips for Exams

5 Time Management Tips for Exams

Don’t waste time

Prioritising daily activities is the first step to effective time management.

Schedule time to schedule time

Take the first 30 minutes of every day to plan your day. Don’t start your day until you complete your time plan.

Set deadlines

Being a successful student is all about being a good time manager. Assess your situation, and then set realistic and achievable deadlines.

Use your downtime

Plan to spend your downtime engaged in thoughts, activities and conversations aimed at exam prep. Often study-related problems are solved not when one is sitting at a desk.

Reward yourself

Time management skills are there to make your day easier. When you accomplish something — celebrate it, and enjoy the moment! Take some time off — just keep it healthy.

Money Saving Tips for College Students

Money Saving Tips for College Students

Do you have fine wine tastes on a cheap beer budget? It’s ok — most college students are living on a budget. If not, they’re likely students getting themselves into a cycle of debt. While neither is fun or easy, you can become smarter about the way you spend your money. Keep in mind that the key to financial success is being aware of how you’re spending your money.

How to Save Money in College | Money Saving Tips for College Students.

Money Saving Tips for College Students

Also, know that there’s a difference between being cheap and having spending savvy. There’s nothing wrong with living within your means, rather than beyond. Stretch your dollar further with the following money-saving tips.

  1. Buy or rent used textbooks and sell last semester’s books back.
  2. Don’t make impulse purchases.
  3. Never go grocery shopping when you’re hungry.
  4. Limit the number of t lines you eat out monthly.
  5. Cut out vices — smoking and binge drinking are terrible for you and expensive.
  6. Always pay bills on time to avoid late fees.
  7. If you have a credit card, pay it off as quickly as possible. (It’s good to establish credit, but a bad credit score follows you everywhere.)
  8. Walk, use public transportation or ride a bike instead of having a car.
  9. Live with others so you can split rent and utilities.
  10. Cut out expensive cable packages you don’t need.
  11. Consider more basic phone packages and plans or plans that include unlimited text ¡ng with free incoming calls
  12. Don’t buy the most expensive college meal plans. Figure out what you actually consume and get the correlating package.
  13. Shop where they offer student discounts. There are so many places that oiler discounts to students with a school ID.
  14. Look into a campus gym versus a gym in town. Many colleges offer memberships for free or at a reduced rate for students.
  15. When planning meals, make dinner with friends and split the cost of groceries. Often times, you’ll be cooking too much for one person anyway!
  16. Sell what you no longer use or need. There are plenty of stores and web sites, like Gumtree, where you can sell your used clothing, furniture or tech items.
  17. Don’t buy unnecessary school supplies. Why buy cumbersome notebooks when you can type on your laptop? It’s better for the earth anyway!
  18. Don’t buy books you will only need for a short period of time — check them out from the library instead.
  19. Take advantage of what your campus has to otter in terms of activities, rather than spending money on going out. Many campuses have an array of museums, oiler movie nights and other social events for cheaper or, sometimes, for free.
  20. Skip expensive spring break and summer trips — look into alternatives, like volunteering, instead.
  21. Wait to get a pet Lint II after college – a pet can become very expensive. Not only do you have another mouth to feed, but veterinary bills are costly. 1f you love animals, there are plenty of shelters that need volunteers.
  22. Go to class. You’re paying for it and skipping is like throwing money out the window!
  23. Drink water. It’s free and better for you. anyway.
  24. Make your own coffee. While coffee shops are convenient, they charge hefty prices that really add up over time.
  25. Open a savings account that earns interest. Credit unions have fewer fees and are great for students.
  26. Never take out a loan for anything that’s unrelated to your education.
  27. Don’t buy music. Use the free services like Spotify or Pandora offer.
  28. Look into class requirements and the options for testing out of classes. Why pay for a class you could easily test out of?
  29. Consider becoming a resident advisor. Many get free room and board.
  30. Avoid buying name brand items. Purchase generic items whenever possible. They are exactly the same Item, at a highly reduced price. You can even check the ingredients to make sure!


Air Pollution Linked To Learning And Memory Problems


Researchers have examined the link between air pollution and health for several decades. Research reveals that long-term exposure to air pollution can lead to physical changes in the brain, as well as learning and memory problems and even depression.

In 2008, a study published in the journal Brain and Cognition examined the link between air pollution and the brain functioning of children and dogs. The researchers conducted their study on children living in Mexico City and in a city with low pollution. Children underwent psychometric testing and MRI scans. Of the children living in Mexico City, 57 percent showed cognitive damage both in mental testing and in brain scans. The study researchers concluded that air pollution may contribute to cognitive delays and defects in children.

In 2011, a study published in Molecular Psychiatry found a link between air pollution and memory loss and depression. In this study, researchers examined the effects of air pollution on mice. Mice that were exposed to greater amounts of air pollution were more likely to have memory problems, mental problems, and depression. Researchers believe that similar effects can happen in humans.

Two studies published in the Archives of Internal Medicine in 2012 found that air pollution has negative effects on cognitive performance in both the short-term and the long-term. In these studies, it was found that pollution particles get into the brain and cause inflammation. This inflammation contributes to a faster onset of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease by increasing the the deposition of beta amyloid plaques. The researchers found that in these studies, older women who were exposed to higher levels of pollution had a cognitive age that reported two years older for every increase in 10 micrograms per liter of pollution. The greater the amount of pollution, the faster and more severe was the memory loss.

In 2013, a study conducted by the Andrus Gerontology Center and Survey Research Center examined the links between traffic-related air pollution and children’s ADHD symptoms. After adjusting for other factors, the researchers found that children who were exposed to the highest levels of traffic pollution had significantly increased Hyperactivity T-scores placing them in the “at risk” category for ADHD.

In 2014, Andrus Gerontology Center and Survey Research Center also examined the effects of vehicle exhaust and air pollution on older adults. According to data from the researchers, air pollution may hasten cognitive decline in adults. The study researchers stated, “…there is growing evidence that fine particulate matter air pollution affects brain health and development.”

How to Prevent Air Pollution

Damage to Individuals living in densely populated areas are at highest risk for high levels of air pollution. The best way to avoid outdoor air pollution is to watch the Air Quality Index (AQI), released by the EPA.

10 Most Polluted Cities of India

Half of the world’s 20 most polluted cities are in India, said a World Health Organization report. Here is the list:

  1. Delhi
  2. Patna
  3. Gwalior
  4. Raipur
  5. Ahmedabad
  6. Firozabad
  7. Amritsar
  8. Kanpur
  9. Agra
  10. Ludhiana
According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the air inside the average home is up to five times more polluted than the air outside.

Avoid indoor pollution by keeping the air circulated indoors as much as possible. Lack of ventilation allows air pollutants to build up indoors (particularly from heaters and wood stoves during the winter). Try to remove as many sources of indoor air pollution from your home as possible.

According to NASA, Following 4 powerful Air Purifying Plants:

  1. Mother-in-Law’s Tongue (Sansevieria trifasciata)
  2. Money Plant (Epipremnum aureum)
  3. Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)
  4. Bamboo Palm (Chrysalidocarpus lutescens)

You can also watch following TED Talk which helps you to grow fresh air.

Other air quality improvement tips include:

  • Vacuum several times a week with a vacuum that has a HEPA filter
  • Wash bedding, curtains, and other fabric often
  • Open a few windows every day for at least five minutes to promote air circulation
  • Keep plants indoors to absorb air pollutants
  • Don’t wear shoes indoors
  • Don’t allow smoking indoors
  • Use all non-toxic cleaning products
  • Switch to an eco-friendly dry cleaner
  • Keep house and furnace filters clean
  • Don’t store paint, chemicals, and solvents in the house or garage
  • Make sure all appliances are properly ventilated
  • Discourage mold by using ventilation in bathrooms and fixing leaks and drainage problems

Eat for Better Memory

You will not be able to stop all forms of air pollution. Filtering the air and bringing in plants can only help so much. This is why it is important to provide your body with the tools it needs to protect your memory from the inside out. Luckily, the right foods can have a protective effect on the brain and your cognitive health.
Combine a healthy diet with physical and mental exercise to keep your brain as healthy as possible throughout life.

Healthy Brain Foods

In general, any food that is sustainably raised and comes from nature will benefit your brain. Staying away from foods like processed fats, junk food, high amounts of sugar, empty carbs, and other unhealthy foods will benefit the brain in numerous ways. However, if you are looking for specific foods to boost brain power, has a few recommendations:

Healthy Foods for Memory
Foods rich in vitamin E: Nut oils, olive oil, nuts and seeds, orange vegetables.
Berries: Berries contain antioxidants that can help prevent the build-up of contaminants in the brain that can contribute to memory loss, such as plaque.
Dark leafy greens: Dark greens contain a nice mix of vitamin E and B vitamins as well as brain-boosting minerals.
Fish: Fish contain healthy omega-3 fats which are essential for brain health. Many fish also contain B vitamins which are beneficial for memory.

Supplements to Boost Cognitive Function

If you want a little more brain-boosting power in addition to eating a healthy diet and regular exercise, these supplements have been show to benefit the brain and memory in clinical studies.

Omega 3: Omega 3 is absolutely essential to brain health. According to Web MD, a higher omega-3 fat intake is linked with a reduced risk for developing Alzheimer’s disease.

B Vitamins: According to Harvard Health, vitamin B12, B9, and B6 are the most beneficial for memory and brain health. Supplementing with these B vitamins may prevent mental deterioration and prevent some of the damaging side effects of air pollution.