Advantages and Disadvantages of Flowchart | What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Flowchart?

Advantages and Disadvantages of Flowchart: A flowchart is a systematic arrangement of symbols in such a way that analysis and synthesis could be done easily. These symbols have different meanings and are used for different purposes like oval or rounded shapes representing starting and endpoints of the process or task. Rectangular shapes represent the interim steps involved. These shapes are only known as the flowchart symbols.

The history of flowcharts has been very old. The very first flowchart with the proper structure of process flow was introduced by Frank and Lillian Gilbreth. It was also used for describing computer algorithms. But the popularity decreased with the introduction of third-generation programming which was commonly used for computer programming. The further extension of the flowchart is Drakon-charts.

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What is Flowchart? Advantages and Disadvantages of Flowchart 2022

A flowchart is a diagrammatic representation of any process or workflow systematically and in a sequence by using symbols. Normally flowcharts are used by various analysts and programmers to debug and synthesize the program easily.  This helps them to make decisions promptly. There are various types of flowcharts like yes/no flowcharts, Decision flow, Data flow diagrams, etc.

Few shapes and arrows are used to identify the steps involved from beginning to end. These symbols aid to identify the task and the possible outcomes. Today flowcharts are used in various fields like agriculture, engineering, technology, business, etc.

Advantages of Flowchart

Listed are a few advantages of Flowcharts:

  • Easy to make
  • Communication becomes effective and easy to understand
  • Mistakes can be easily identified
  • Analysis becomes effective
  • Synthesis becomes effectual
  • Debugging becomes possible
  • Logics can be easily interpreted.

Let us now briefly understand each of the advantages

  1. Easy to make: Experts knowing flowchart symbols can easily make the diagram without much difficulty. Since a good diagram must simply represent the whole process thus it is the task of an expert to summarize and show the task in a unique way that would help in further prompt decisions.
  2. Communication becomes effective and easy to understand: As everything is recapitulated by the expert in such a way that the user of the flowchart can easily understand and give possible feedback, thus communication becomes very effective. Users can now make further changes in the technique or implement new ones.
  3. Mistakes can be easily identified: Through the simple structure of the flowchart it becomes easy for users to identify the mistake in the whole process and correct the technique or implement a new one. The mistakes can be easily eliminated and valid or reasonable techniques can be evolved.
  4. Analysis becomes effective: with the help of flowcharts problems on the ground can be easily identified and analyzed in a very effective manner so that cost reduction and time allocation can be made in potential areas. The analysis further helps in improvement in different areas of the process.
  5. Synthesis becomes effectual: As the analysis becomes effectual the synthesis process becomes easy for users to make decisions without any delay. The process involved as shown in the flowchart can easily be put together to finalize the result.
  6. Debugging becomes possible: Debugging helps in identifying errors in the whole flowchart step by step. As each of the steps or processes involved is described through symbols thus it becomes easier to identify the issue thus helping in debugging.
  7. Logics can be easily interpreted: With the set of logic using symbols, it becomes easy for the decision-maker to interpret and show the result thereof. The alignment of logic in each step makes it more convenient for users to understand the flowchart without making delay.

Disadvantages of Flowchart

A few disadvantages of Flowcharts are as follows:

  • Difficulty in presenting complex programs and tasks.
  • No scope for alteration or modification
  • Reproduction becomes a problem
  • It’s a time-consuming process
  • Difficult to understand for people who don’t know flowchart symbols.
  • No man to computer communication.
  1. Difficulty in presenting complex programs and tasks: Complex tasks cannot be presented through symbols so easily. Sometimes it becomes difficult for even for the expert to present the program having complicated steps. Various logics of the program are difficult to draw in a set or already defined shapes in a flowchart.
  2. No scope for alteration or modification: If there is any error found in the process or logic of the flowchart, it is difficult to alter or modify the same. This is because either we have to erase the beginning or end of the program and the whole flowchart is affected.
  3. Reproduction becomes a problem: The flowchart symbols cannot be drawn. We have to use different applications like Word or Excel to draw shapes and type words inside those symbols. This recreation becomes difficult as they require shapes to present the whole process.
  4. It’s a time-consuming process: as we have already seen, reproduction of flowcharts is a problem due to the complexity of shapes and the use of no specific application to give already set up symbols to write the logic of the process or task. Thus it becomes a time-absorbing task.
  5. Difficult to understand for people who don’t know flowchart symbols: Since not all are experts in understanding the purpose and motive behind using specific symbols in a flowchart it is not understandable by the common people instantly. This proper knowledge and expertise are important to understand the flowchart. Thus communication will become more effective.
  6. No man to computer communication: A flowchart is not meant for man to computer communication. Only man can interpret the result of the flowchart.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Flowchart 2

Comparison Table for Advantages and Disadvantages of Flowchart

Now let us look at the comparison table for advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of flowchart Disadvantages of flowchart
Easy to makeDifficulty in presenting complex programs and tasks.
Mistakes can be easily identifiedNo scope for alteration or modification
Communication becomes effective and easy to understandReproduction becomes a problem
Analysis becomes effectiveIt’s a time-consuming process
Synthesis becomes effectualDifficult to understand for people who don’t know flowchart symbols
Debugging becomes possibleNo man to computer communication.
Logics can be easily interpreted.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Flowchart 1

FAQ’s on Pros and Cons of Flowchart

Question 1.
What is the meaning of a Flowchart?

A Flowchart is a diagrammatic representation of the workflow step by step using specific symbols.

Question 2.
For what purpose Flowcharts are used?

A Flowchart is mainly prepared by experts to make people understand the workflow and take prompt decisions with a simple diagram presentation.

Question 3.
What are the advantages of flowcharts?

Easy to make, Communication becomes effective and easy to understand, Mistakes can be easily identified, Analysis becomes effective, Synthesis becomes effectual, Debugging becomes possible, Logics can be easily interpreted.

Question 4.
What are the disadvantages of flowcharts?

Difficulty in presenting complex programs and tasks, No scope for alteration or modification,  Reproduction becomes a problem It’s a time-consuming process,  Difficult to understand for people who don’t know flowchart symbols, No man to computer communication.

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