Advantages and Disadvantages of CSS | What is CSS? Types, Pros and Cons of CSS

Advantages and Disadvantages of CSS: Cascading Style Sheets or CSS is a programming language to create, style and format web pages including the layout, colours, fonts, and more. CSS uses HTML and JAVA script to design an attractive web page where the paragraph, pictures, links, etc are designed according to our specifications which looks creative and lively. According to the specifications of the world wide web CSS design the website which includes the HTML format also any other kind of XML documents. It is used in creating user interfaces for web pages and mobile applications. It has different versions too that are useful in making the different types of web page designing according to the need. The group of people who work for CSS comes under W3C which gives a recommendation to these people to create any web page through CSS. Let us know more about CSS and its advantages and disadvantages.

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What is CSS? What are its Types? Advantages and Disadvantages of CSS 2022

Cascading style sheets or CSS is a programming language that is used for styling and formatting web pages in such a way that it follows all the standards of W3C specifications. CSS uses HTML and JAVASCRIPT for creating web pages according to the internet module. HTML or other XML documents gives the content of the page and the CSS design the page like the group of people in CSS decide for designing by the recommendation of W3C. if we want to make changes to any of the web pages then we can change them by just modifying some coding in the CSS. If we want to make a simple HTML page into a creative web page that also can be done by CSS. It designs the webpage by giving the position to the image on the page, changing font size, the colour of font and background, and also the factor that affects the display of the website. CSS is easy to learn and understand. Let us see the different types of CSS.

There are three types of CSS which are as follows:

  1.  Inline CSS
  2. Internal CSS
  3. External CSS

Inline CSS: In this type of CSS the CSS programming is applied to the body of the HTML coding by using a style attribute selector for each element. But sometimes it can be a little difficult to use this inline CSS in every situation and cannot get the required result. Here we have to style each line every time on the page which is a drawback of Inline CSS. here is the syntax of inline CSS;


<HTML ELEMENT style=”properties: value”> …. </HTML ELEMENT>

Let us see an example

<h1 style=”color:brown”>Good Morning!</h1>

Internal CSS: Internal CSS or Embedded CSS is a style sheet where the <style> tag in the <head> section of the HTML document is used to style a single page instead of styling every line we need. We can change the whole page at once. Here is the syntax for internal CSS




<\ style>





text- align: center;

font-color: red ;




External CSS: These style sheets are written in a separate document with a .css extension and then linked to various web documents wherever it is needed. In this, we can set the style of the page then it is attached to many websites without any change.

For example let us save the below file with cure. Css then




text- align: center;

font-color: red ;




Now let us see how to link this file


<link rel = “ style sheet” href = “ cure. Css” >


Advantages of CSS

CSS is a programming language that has many benefits as we can create a web page by styling and formatting the website according to our needs. Here let us see what are the various advantages we can get by using CSS for designing web pages which are as follows:

  • Helps in Making Continuous Changes: CSS helps in making changes that are repetitive in the page and easily we can make changes without going back to the coding again and again. By this the coding does not become confusing and consistent changes can be easily made.
  • Vast Variety of Designs: CSS is a styling sheet programming language that offers many varieties of designs according to the output display which was not possible in HTML or other web designing programming.
  • Easy for users: Working with CSS is easy for the users if they want to make changes according to them.
  • Device Friendly: CSS is device friendly because it helps to design webpages in such a way that it becomes compatible to run on all the devices like computer or mobile.
  • Time saving: CSS can easily style any webpage in very less time by making changes on a single page which can be used on the whole page.

Disadvantages of CSS

Web pages can be styled very efficiently by using CSS  but there are some drawbacks to CSS. Below are the disadvantages of CSS;

  • Browser Issue: After designing a webpage it is not sure that the page is going to work similarly in every browser thus it can show different results in different browsers.
  • Can be Confusing: The different levels of CSS like CSS1, CSS2, and CSS3 are confusing for many beginners but they can be understood easily after.
  • Security: There will be always security concerns while working in CSS because it is an open program that can easily affect the display by anyone if they try to disturb it.
  • Fixing Problems For Beginners: If there is an issue in the programming then for beginners it can be a little difficult as they have to make changes in the HTML coding also including the CSS part.

Comparison Table for Advantages and Disadvantages of CSS

Advantages of CSSDisadvantages of CSS
Helps in making creative web pages by making them simple to use.Different levels of CSS can confuse users
Improve the browsing speedSecurity is a big issue
It can be used on various devicesFixing problems for new users can be difficult
Saves time by making it easy to program  consistent changesIt can show the difference in different browsers
Wider variety of design optionsAfter making a change rechecking is needed for another browser

FAQs on Pros and Cons of CSS

Question 1.
What is CSS? What are its types?

Cascading Style Sheets or CSS is a programming language to create, style and format web pages including the layout, colours, fonts, and more. CSS use HTML and JAVA script to design an attractive web page where the paragraph, pictures, links, etc are designed according to our specification which looks creative and user interactive.

There are three types of CSS which are as follows:

  • Inline CSS: In this type of CSS the CSS programming is applied to the body of the HTML coding by using a style attribute selector for each element.
  • Embedded or internal CSS: Internal CSS or Embedded CSS is a style sheet where the <style> tag in the <head> section of the HTML document is used to style a single page instead of styling every line we need.
  • External CSS: These style sheets are written in a separate document with a .css extension and then linked to various web documents wherever it is needed.

Question 2.
What are the benefits and drawbacks of CSS?

The various advantages we can get by using CSS for designing web pages which are as follows:

  • Helps in making continuous changes also the coding does not become confusing and consistent change can be easily made.
  • A vast variety of designs is offered.
  • Easy for users, especially beginners.
  • It helps to design webpages in such a way that it becomes compatible to run in all the devices like computer or mobile.
  • Time-saving.

The drawbacks of CSS are;

  • The different levels of CSS like CSS1, CSS2, and CSS3 are confusing for many beginners.
  • it is not sure that the web page is going to work similarly in every browser.
  • It is an open program that can easily affect the display by anyone if they try to disturb it.
  • Needs maintenance.

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