Adolescent Depression Research Essay | Essay on Adolescent Depression Research for Students and Children in English

Adolescent Depression Research Essay: A depression is universal, detected everywhere and in every age group. Nowadays adolescent depression is widely spreading.

Boys and girls aged between 13 to 19 come under adolescence. In 1980, adolescent depression was accepted as a disease. Before that, no particular attention was paid to it. Moreover earlier, rate of progress everywhere was also slow, with rapid progress in all spheres of life, the problem related to psyche has also increased.

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Adolescent Depression Research Essay

Long Essay on Adolescent Depression Research 500 Words in English

Below we have given a long essay on Adolescent Depression Research of 500 words is helpful for classes 7, 8, 9 and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.

Depression is a disease that affects the human psyche, in such a way that the afflicted tend to act and react abnormally towards others and themselves. It is no surprise that this depression sometimes becomes the cause of teenage suicide, and this adolescent suicide is now responsible for more deaths in youths aged 15 to 19 than cancer. Despite these suicide rates and increasing cases of depression in adolescents, it is greatly under diagnosed and leads to serious difficulties. One of these serious difficulties is mal adjustment. This very mal adjustment in school, work place and personal life may often continue to adulthood. Many times, children and adolescents, according to expert opinion, are often unable to express their feelings. This is a reason that this disease remains undetected. According to experts, challenge does not lie in treating the patient, it lies in detecting the disease.

For this, it is needed that the parents, teachers or anyone who interacts with the adolescents should be very careful and alert. If it is so, there is no reason why this disease can not be correctly diagnosed. But the problem lies in this very careful watch. Sometimes parents are too alert or most of the time they don’t have time to watch their children carefully. Both the conditions are not suitable for the welfare of the adolescent.

The causes of this disease are many. Sometimes parents are struggling with their marital problems and trying to solve them or one of the parents may have some alcohol problem. Unemployment, inflation and thus poverty are also relative factors. When an adolescent finds no support from his/her family with or without valid reason, his psyche is troubled. To engage their attention or to express himself or herself, he or she may try to distract the parents. This distraction can include increased disruptive behavior, self-inflicted isolation and even verbal threats of suicide.

Majority of such cases of adolescent depression are mild and can be treated with several psychotherapy sessions of intense listening, advice and encouragements. These disorders should be searched for and treated if present. For acute cases, medication may be necessary, otherwise without pharmaceutical treatment, depressive conditions may escalate and be fatal.

Until recently, adolescent depression has been generally ignored by the family, teacher and physicians, but now everyone is becoming conscious of this disease. The most important factor in the treatment of depression is family and then school as the peer competition and peer complex are also paramount in this age of competition.

Although most teenagers can successfully and strongly come out winners and climb the mountain of their emotional and psychological obstacles but still there are some who are unable to do so. They are to be cared in a special way.

Adolescent depression can be removed successfully with the help of love and care given by family and teachers or another caring adult. It is not a problem, which cannot be solved but it is a problem, which if not taken care of in the beginning, can be dangerous and fatal and then there will be no remedy on this earth to cure it, or compensate it.

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