10 Lines on Zero Discrimination Day for Students and Children in English

10 Lines on Zero Discrimination Day: Zero Discrimination Day is praised on 1st March each year to bring issues to light among individuals about correspondence and rising discrimination in the general public based on sex, caste, religion, health conditions, and so on. Discrimination disregards human rights and hampers the development of the advancing country. The day is additionally seen by associations like the United Nations and UNAIDS to battle the shame and discrimination looked by the people influenced by HIV/AIDS. The people of poor and under-developed countries worldwide are of the more danger of confronting discrimination depending on race, religion, sex, and ethnicity. Discrimination of any structure disturbs the feasible development of the society just as the country.

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Set 1 – 10 Lines On Zero Discrimination Day for Kids

Set 1 is helpful for students of Classes 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

  1. On 1st March every year, the Zero Discrimination Day is celebrated.
  2. This day is dedicated to promoting equality before the people, the law of the land.
  3. This day generally focuses on no discrimination despite having different gender, sex, ethnicity, and physical disability.
  4. On 1st March 2014, The United Nations, along with UNAIDS, celebrated this day for the first time.
  5. For promoting the right of people and living their lives without any discrimination, this day is celebrated.
  6. This day encourages everybody to show their true talents and skills and be proud of it.
  7. Different talk shows, debates, and public shows are held on that day.
  8. This festival is celebrated globally.
  9. This celebration helps to stop violations against human rights.
  10. Zero Discrimination Day allows people to fight the stigma and discrimination faced by generally the people who are infected with HIV.

10 Lines On Zero Discrimination Day for Kids

Set 2 – 10 Lines On Zero Discrimination Day for School Students

Set 2 is helpful for students of Classes 6, 7 and 8.

  1. The Zero Discrimination Day is commended each year on 1st March to advance and promote the equity eye of the law of the land.
  2. The program celebration intends to feature the various kinds of segregation like sex, sex, ethnicity, and physical disability.
  3. The day was first celebrated on March 1st, 2014, by the United Nations alongside UNAIDS, a joint program of the United Nations, to battle AIDS.
  4. Zero Discrimination Day is commended every year to advance the privilege of individuals to carry on with their lives with any partiality in society.
  5. Zero Discrimination Day is celebrated each year to urge individuals to commend uniqueness and value their ability and skills.
  6. Zero Discrimination Day is praised by arranging open public speeches, television shows, and discussions.
  7. Every year, the day is commended over the globe with a topic to advance fairness among the people.
  8. Zero Discrimination Day 2019 topic was “Act to Change Laws that Discriminate.”
  9. The day likewise assists with forestalling violations of human rights through awareness battles.
  10. The recognition of Zero Discrimination Day helps in facing the conflict of disgrace and discrimination looked by individuals contaminated by HIV.

Set 3 – 10 Lines On Zero Discrimination Day for Higher Class Students

Set 3 is helpful for students of Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 and Competitive Exams.

  1. The Zero Discrimination Day gives a chance to a person to make a reasonable and fair society.
  2. Many nations compose photograph presentations, film screenings, shows, narrating occasions, and classes to praise the day.
  3. Zero Discrimination Day celebration likewise helps in battling the disgrace, and discrimination of individuals who are transgender, gay, or lesbian.
  4. Zero Discrimination Day recognition forestalls discrimination dependent on the wellbeing states of individuals like HIV or any psychological issue.
  5. The objective of celebrating Zero Discrimination Day is to make a situation for supportable human improvement worldwide.
  6. Zero Discrimination Day celebration assists with compassion and resilience among individuals around the globe.
  7. United Nations and UNAIDS lead projects to feature issues like disparity and discrimination dependent on sex, ethnicity, and religion.
  8. The countries around the world launch new activities and strategies as a team with the United Nations to dispense with and control discrimination.
  9. On Zero Discrimination Day, workplaces, schools, universities, and organizations lead projects to teach individuals about different sorts of segregation looked by individuals in society.
  10. The image of Zero Discrimination Day is a butterfly generally utilized by individuals around the world to share their contemplations for wiping out discrimination.

10 Lines On Zero Discrimination Day for Higher Class Students

FAQ’s on 10 Lines on Zero Discrimination Day

Question 1.
What is the meaning of discrimination?

The meaning of discrimination is mistreating an individual because of their characteristics or simply who they are. The factors which lead to people to discriminate against someone is based on their sex, religion, caste, gender, or even health conditions.

Question 2.
What was the theme of Zero Discrimination Day for the year 2019?

‘Act to change laws that discriminate’ was the theme for the campaign of Zero Discrimination Day for making the country understand that people should not treat unfairly against the laws.

Question 3.
Explain the full meaning of UNAIDS.

Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS is the full meaning of UNAIDS.

Question 4.
When we celebrate Zero Discrimination Day?

On 1st March every year, we celebrate Zero Discrimination Day.

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